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ellie grazer
#. 003

"𝗝𝗘𝗘𝗭, is that your Mom?" I heard Alina ask from the depth of her covers that were currently wrapped around her body.

I looked over at her while returning my phone back to it's position on my bedside table. I examined her raised brow and questioning stare, my own head shook slightly with a sigh escaping at the same time.

"Yeah, she's a bit protective." I almost mumbled as I sat back down onto my own bed and faced her from afar.

"A bit?" Alina's eyebrow had raised even higher as a chuff rolled off her tongue.

I smiled while breathily laughing back. "Okay, I misspoke. She's very protective." I reiterated which caused her to laugh once more. "And crazy. And overbearing." I began listing my Mother's faults, only stopping after realising that we would be here all day otherwise.

"I see." She now sat up and leant against her pillows while keeping our conversation flowing. "So, you are coming to the party tonight." She slightly smirked at me.

Her words almost set a frown on my face before it didn't take long for it to hit me about all the things I had told my Mother over the phone. All the lies I should rather say.

My cheeks reddened at my own embarrassment of being caught in my lie, I mean, I hadn't been totally called out but it sure as hell felt like I had been.

"I um, I mean I was- I was thinking about it but um-" ushering out words that hopefully fell into a cohesive sentence had seemingly failed me as what had left my lips was only a mash up of stutters and quick thinking bullshit.

The sound of her melodic cheer lapped my ear drums in grace and I was hauled to a stop by her voice slipping over mine. "Relax, I lie to get out of things too. I get it." She smiled at me while I gleamed over at her pearly white teeth. "You don't have to come to the party if you don't want to. If it's not your thing, then it's not your thing." She raised her shoulder, letting me know that it truly was fine.

I felt my lips tighten into an appreciative grin, it was a tiny glint of my admiration but I hoped she'd understand that I was very much grateful. Her words felt genuine and I didn't feel at the source of her judgement for being an introvert. And her lack of judgement was the only thing making my heart beat even faster.

"You're not mad?" I asked, almost hesitantly.

"Course not." She shook her head at me whilst speaking in a higher and petulant free tone. "Why would I be mad at you for not wanting to go to a party?" She gave me a dumb look which only caused me to look away with a giggle.

I only looked back after a couple seconds to see her smiling at me with a studious look.

"Thanks Alina." I told her with authenticity and with a glisten in my eye. She was such a kind person and wasn't what I expected. That fact itself only increased my swelling heart and melting limbs.

"It's okay." She shrugged her shoulder where we remained staring at each other for a few moments before I watched her break it by glancing down at her phone and grasping it. "I need to start getting ready." She muttered, mainly to herself, while pulling her covers off and getting to her feet. "I'm going to shower now, do you need it before I go in?" I watched her look over at me from the centre of the room.

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