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ellie grazer
#. 005

𝗣𝗘𝗔𝗖𝗘𝗙𝗨𝗟 would be the word I would use to describe my evening. I had gotten some work done and had set up a timetable of all my lessons. I was enjoying the comfort of being alone and was enjoying the beat of my music with a smile on my lips, something that I always seemed to be doing whenever How Soon Is Now? by The Smiths was playing.

I'd taken a break from reading and was currently cleaning, I didn't know why I was. The room was hardly dirty or messy and all I was doing was putting Alina's clothes away that had been piling up on the floor. It only took me about five minutes, even less than that actually and I was finding myself actually looking around for things to do. I didn't know why I wasn't just in bed on my phone, that would've been the most logical thing of course and believe me, I did try it at least some point during my franticness, but it didn't work at distracting me so I quite quickly left the sheets and was back on my feet, searching for something to do.

I didn't actually care about what it was that I did. I just wanted something to do to keep me from thinking about Alina and Tyler. My stupid behaviour hadn't settled and it was quite frankly the only thing I thought about, even throughout my tasks. It was bringing me a large amount of annoyance as I just wanted to forget about them, him more specifically. God, what was wrong with me?

After reorganising the kitchen appliances for the sixth time, my attention was now brought to a loud thud like noise that squeezed it's way through the beat of my music. My head whipped to my left as I pulled out one of my headphones in the process.

"Alina?" Her name slipped from my lips in a very questioning tone and I could feel a frown tie across my eyebrows.

I pulled on the slim wire, tugging out my other earphone and pushed them into the pocket with my phone as I looked at her with the same hard frown.

She seemed to have a wobble in her step and threw her bag to the floor with a stumble where she ended up catching herself by placing her hands onto the wall beside her. I only watched her for another second or two as the sounds of her sniffles and red face brought me over instantly.

"Alina? Are you okay?" I wandered over with a little hurry in my step as I tried to get a decent look at her facade and as I got closer, her distress only got more prominent.

By the time I had reached her, she had already slipped onto the floor and was trying to pull her shoes off, without even doing the laces. I looked at what she was doing, puzzled and confused as to why she wasn't just untying the laces but my confusion and loured look sculpted into a softer, realisation expression as the smell of alcohol wafted over my nose.

"They won't come off." She almost sounded mad as her tone was slurred and nasally, not the usual sweet one she always possessed.

Her knuckles were white as her grip on her shoes tightened, only her hands managed to loosen from the shoe after another failed attempt at yanking them off.

"Here, let me do it." I said in a mellow tone as I gently held her hands and pulled them away.

I felt her eyes pass over to me where I finally looked at her straight in the face where I could see tear lines of mascara and bright red eyes. I tried to smile at her but she only managed to slump her back against the door and look down at her lap with a sniffle and hard wipe of her nose by the back of her hand. I gently began to untie her shoes and tug them off. It didn't take me long as they were only double knotted and once they were both off I just placed them to the side.

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