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           After Kenneth found his son sleeping on the stoney floor of his church's garden, he locked him in the house and didn't let him out until much, much later. I felt awful. This feeling resonated with me until college and made me want to do nothing. In college, the feeling mixed with other stressors to the point where I couldn't tell what was making me upset anymore. I was numb.

           Firstly, I let Todd down. In the beginning, all of this was for him. He'd been through a lot. I wanted to prove that I could make someone else who had gone through similar things to him happy. I failed.

           Secondly, I proved that Ashley and Larry were right: it was a bad idea to hang out with him. Not because he'd fuck things up for me, but because I fucked things up for him. I wanted to make them see that we'd turn out fine in the end. I failed that, too.

           Thirdly, I missed Travis. I couldn't see him and that made me anxious. I'd left him with his father. Anything could happen. He could be abused. He could be killed, even. I trusted nothing about Kenneth Phelps. And I was right not to.

           But this wasn't the end. In fact, this was a mere prologue to a grand (and fatal) adventure.

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