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It may get boring to read the same lines that already happened in the game, and a few chapters recap what happens in the game for anyone who is new to the fandom — so here's a list of all the chapters like that. 

Also, if you haven't figure it out yet, this means that this book has spoilers, so click off now if you haven't finished chapter three of the game and don't want spoilers.

Chapters that recap the game are:

- Chapter 1: The first part of the chapter is recap until the text isn't italicized. It recaps Travis bullying Sal. The rest of the chapter is fanfiction.

- Chapter 6: The whole chapter recaps Sal and Travis's easter egg exchange in the bathroom.

- Chapter 7: The whole chapter recaps Larry and Sal investigating Mrs. Packerton's apartment.

- Chapter 9: The whole chapter recaps Larry, Ashley, and Sal finding the real ingredients of the bologna.

- Chapter 12: The whole chapter recaps Sal, Todd, and Larry finding the trapdoor in the basement.

- Chapter 13: The whole chapter recaps Todd, Sal, and Larry exploring the temple beneath the apartments.

- Chapter 18: The last bit of the chapter shows that the setting is during The Bologna Incident and in the math classroom, but the chapter doesn't recap much other than some dialogue between Mrs. Packerton and Sal. Almost all of it is fanfiction.

And now for a disclaimer...

I'm an atheist and I pulled most of the Christian shit and all of the Satan cult shit out of my ass. If it's inaccurate, sorry. Enjoy!!!

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