Cashier x Dummy (Angst)

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(Sorry it took so long, finals sucked!!)
Requested by: A_Weird0_Enby
"Today's the day." Dummy looked himself firmly in the mirror and sighed. The words he uttered echoing in the back of his mind. He wanted to feel sorry. He wanted to cry and sob but he just couldn't. He looked away, pity and a sense of guilt growing inside of him, even if he didn't mean it deep down. He took his hands that were firmly gripped onto the sides of the bathroom sink and walked out, heading to the kitchen where he noticed Cashier sitting down on their couch.

They had moved in together a few months ago after Cashier had- confessed to Dummy. Confessed his feelings to the gray man who had- well, been hesitant but accepted nonetheless. Why did he?

'Why did you?" Dummy pondered in his mind as he brewed some coffee for himself, looking over at the other who still sat on the couch, unbothered by the day. It's almost as if life played a cruel joke on him, sticking him in a position such as this. And a position that there was only one way out of. One he didn't want to accept he had to do at some point before he got to deep into this whole thing.

He grabbed his cup of coffee and walked over to Cashier, sitting down right next to him and taking a sip of his hot beverage, his taste buds getting burnt as he winced and swallowed.

"Careful there!" Cashier chuckled and was now staring at Dummy who was no longer focusing on his burnt tongue and now on Cashier, a lump forming in the back of his throat. This was it- it was now or never. He looked into Cashier's eyes deeply as Cashier stared back into them, his heart racing and feeling as if he'd practically throw up butterflies.

Dummy felt something brush against his arm as he then looked down to find Cashier holding his hand. He looked up once more at Cashier to find him coyly smiling and blushing ever so subtly. Dummy with a bite of his lip, hesitantly held Cashier's hand back while also managing a smile on his face and stared back at Cashier. How could he tell the man in front of him how he really felt? That was his answer right there. He couldn't.

"I love you." Cashier cooed to Dummy who, with a shaky voice responded back.

"I- love you as- well." He reluctantly responded feeling himself throw up internally while also feeling awkward. His head spun as Cashier then let go of his embrace and turned back to the television to continue viewing whatever seemed to be on the dim. Dummy looked back at his coffee, now cradling it with his two hands and stared down at the contents inside of it. He took a sip of the now lukewarm liquid and shuddered at the bitterness of it, not having had coffee in a long time.

And they sat there. They sat in silence for a good while unto the sly faded to a faded blue hue and the sun began to hide behind the trees. Cashier got up and stretched, looking out the window on the side of the television and smiled before looking at Dummy.

"We can get some fresh air! That is, if you'd like to." Dummy shrugged and stood up.

"Alright, lets go before it gets too dark."

"What? 'Scared of ghosts that come out at night? We're adults!" Cashier laughed. Dummy laughed too, feeling dread in the back of his mind.
They continued out into the world, leaving their small little tightly knit neighbourhood and ventured out into the open, stumbling upon a park and a big grassy field to which Cashier began to run out into the open and up the top of one of the grassy hills that laid before the both of them. Dummy followed quickly behind him but only managed to get halfway up the hill before he noticed Cashier rolling down the hill at high speeds in his direction. He wasn't able to scramble away in time before Cashier the collided with him and they both tumbled down the hill, Dummy and Cashier feeling lightheaded and dizzy.

"Heh, sorry, Dummy." Cashier chuckled, sitting up. Dummy sat up too and shrugged.

"Oh, it's alright." He replied, dusting off his gray sweater. He then grabbed Cashier's visor that was sat next to him and handed it to the other, to which Cashier thanked him and quickly put it on, shaking his head, his hair falling back into place.

Dummy looked down at the ground and let out a small sigh, then looking up at the sky above and frowning knowing this was probably the best time to do it. Dummy stood up and looked down at Cashier who continued to sit, looking a little confused.

"Cashier I- I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now." Cashier perked up and smiled. Wondering what his boyfriend of three months wanted to tell him so badly peaked his interest as he listened in on what the other had to say.

"Go ahead, honey. You can tell me anything, always!" Dummy's breath hitched upon hearing that as guilt rose up in him even more.

"Cashier, I- don't love you. I'm sorry but I really don't. I just- felt bad for you, y'know?" Cashier's smile dropped quickly and he shook his head is disbelief.

"What? But Dummy-". Dummy cut cashier off.

"No Cashier, I never loved you. And I've tried so hard to but- I just can't. I don't know why I'm this way but I just am. I can't change who I am or my feelings about you.

"Then, why?" Cashier asked, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Because- because I pitied you, alright?" You just looked so sad and so lonely recently and after you confessed I didn't want to hurt you even more- and-".

"Stop it! Just stop!" Cashier sobbed, unable to stare at Dummy.

"You only stayed with me because I was pitiful? Do you even see me as someone? Or am I just that disposable? I thought we were great friends if nothing else but- you could've just told me!" Cashier choked out. Dummy stepped towards Cashier slowly and held out his arms for a hug from Cashier.

"No! Get away from me!" Cashier yelled, practically fleeing away from Dummy. Dummy's arms dropped to his side's as he stood and watched the other sob violently, Cashier's face beet red and all sweaty.

"Dummy, please- say you don't mean it." Cashier huffed, finally staring at Dummy pitifully with tired and weary eyes.

"Cashier, don't make this harder than it has to be. I'm sorry." Cashier crawled to Dummy and sobbed more, gripping onto his sweater and crying into it. Dummy ran his hands through Cashier's hair in an attempt to console him but it didn't seem to work as Cashier just sat there motionless, sniffles coming out of him from time to time and he buried his head into Dummy's sweater.

"Please Dummy, you're right. I am really lonely and you're all I have and- and- I should've never told you how I felt." Cashier struggled to find words let alone keep himself together as Dummy caressed Cashier's face with his hand.

"Maybe, we can try? I can change! I'll change for you." Cashier hastily decided to which Dummy shook his head.

"No, Cashier. I just don't love you. And I'm so sorry I don't. I just can't." Dummy sighed looking at the ground. Cashier nodded in understatement.

"But maybe-"

"No, Cashier! I don't love you and I never will." Dummy firmly explained.

"Please! Please love me! I'll do anything. I'll be whatever you want me to be! Just please don't leave me!" Cashier sobbed, pulling Dummy into an embrace. Dummy, shoved Cashier away and turned away from him and stared up at the stars.

"Goodbye, Cashier."

And Dummy left Cashier there in the field as night fell upon them.
Word count: 1347

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