Albert x Radiant_Day

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Albert stared out his window and let out a long sigh. It had been raining all day. He usually doesn't mind the rain but ever since he's been to the Days City to visit, there had been no nice weather and he wanted to do something with Radiant before he left. He flopped down onto his bed that was in a guest [RESIDENCE]. He closed his eyes for a few moments before being startled by a loud crash of thunder. He jumped up and jolted his head to stare out the window. He let out another sigh before laying back down and falling asleep for a little while.

After a few hours he woke back up. He looked out his window to find the weather had cleared up and the clouds were gone. Albert smiled. He thought for a moment before his faced turned back into a frown. He looked at the time. 8:00 P.M. Would Radiant be up? Would he even want to hang out with him? Albert contemplated if he should call Radiant and meet up. He then realized he only had a few more days left in the city before he headed back home and the weather most likely wasn't going to be this nice again.

He looked over to the nightstand by the bed and grabbed his phone. He looked down the list of contacts until he found Radiant's. With a shaky hand he pressed the call button and waited patiently for Radiant to pick up- or well at least wait for a woman on the other end telling him the person can't answer at the moment.

He was about to just hang up when he heard some muffles from the other end and finally Radiant's cheery voice on the other line.

"Heya buddy! How are you?" Radiant chimed in his usual happy tone.

"Good.." Albert said, his voice trailing away. Albert's stomach lurched before talking again.

"I was uh- just looking out my window and was wondering you wanted to go for a walk- maybe..?" Albert said in a shaky tone. Radiant smiled to himself.

"Of course! It does seem like a good night. I'll be over there in a bit. You might also want to take a coat. It's still pretty chilly out there." Radiant chuckled. Albert smiled and hesitantly laughed in return.

"Yeah, thanks for the heads up, bud." Albert replied as he hung up the phone. He smiled and quickly raced over to grab a jacket. He put it on and sat down on the bed waiting. After a bit he heard the doorbell ring.

"COMING." Albert yelled as he threw himself at the door hitting it with a thump. He quickly got up and hastily opened the door to find Radiant standing there with a smile on his face.

"Nice to see you bud!" Radiant stated in a jubilant tone. Albert blushed a bit seeing him when it wasn't related to union things.

"You too." Albert beamed and replied.

"Are you ready to go?" Albert asked while walking out the door.

"Yeah but I don't think you are." Radiant responded grinning as he looked down at Albert's feet. Albert looked at Radiant and looked down at himself. He forgot shoes. Albert's face turned red from embarrassment and quickly hustled back inside to get his shoes on.

"I guess someone was really excited to see me~" Radiant smirked and said. Albert chuckled slightly and got back up after both of his shoes were on.

"Now we can go." Albert sighed a bit and said. Radiant nodded and they both began to walk.

 A little bit into their walk Albert's stomach rumbled. Radiant looked at Albert.

"Wanna go see if the ice cream place is open?" Radiant asked as Albert smiled wide and nodded. They both walked a few blocks before rounding a corner to find a little lit up shop. They walked in and both sat down.

"What are you going to have?" Radiant asked Albert. "Just chocolate." He said smiling. Radiant nodded and walked to the counter to order. A few moments later he came back and sat down handing Albert his ice cream.

"Thank you." Albert said. Radiant smiled and blushed. "Anytime!" He replied while focusing on Albert. Albert began to eat and looked up at Radiant.

"Uh- Radiant?" Albert asked tilting his head a bit while looking at Radiant's ice cream. This snapped Radiant out of this thoughts and he looked up at Albert.

"Hm? Oh-" He noticed some of his ice cream was melting and spilling onto his hand. He licked it off and looked back at Albert.

"Want to go sit in the park? It's peaceful at this time of night." Radiant asked while taking another bite of ice cream. Albert nodded and smiled as they both got up and headed towards the park. They walked for a bit until they came across a bench and sat down. Albert looked up at the sky while eating. Radiant noticed this and looked up too. The moon and stars were shining bright, now that the clouds have cleared.

"It's a pretty sight." Albert said mesmerized by the sky.

"Not as pretty of a sight as you." Radiant replied laughing. Albert turned red. Radiant grinned and looked down at the sidewalk in front of them. He thought for a moment.

"Hey, [IDENTITY] Albert?" Radiant looked back at Albert who turned to him.

"Yeah?" He said eating more of his ice cream.

"When do you come for another visit after this..?" He asked frowning a bit. Albert looked down at the ground thinking about it.

"Great told me it wouldn't be for a while. Nine months at the very least." He replied.

"That's what I thought." Radiant replied looking back down at the ground. He thought for a moment. He grabbed Albert and kissed him lightly. Albert's eyes widened and his whole face blushed. Radiant moved himself away from Albert shortly after that and looked off to the side.

"[IDENTITY] Albert, I'm sorry- I've just liked you for a while now-" Radiant was cut off.

"It's okay. I liked you too." Albert said giggling. Radiant smiled and looked back up at the sky. He looked back at Albert who was just finishing his ice cream and grabbed a handful of napkins out of his pocket.

"Where did you get those?" Albert asked.

"Stolen napkins from the ice cream place." Radiant replied smirking. Albert chuckled and grabbed them to wipe his face and hands before getting up with Radiant and walking back home. It took them a little while to get back to Albert's [RESIDENCE] because it was farther than Radiant's. Not that Radiant minded. He offered to walk home with Albert to make sure he was safe. Especially at this time of night. Soon, they reached the front of Albert's house. Albert smiled and turned to Radiant who had a light blush on his face still.

"It was fun hanging out with you, Radiant." We'll have to do it again when I come back." He grinned and said. Radiant nodded and smiled wide.

"Yeah. I'm gonna miss seeing your cute face around here for a little while." he replied and smirked. Albert blushed and kissed Radiant before turning back to go inside.

"Goodnight, Radiant." Albert said as he shut the door and waved.

"Goodnight, [IDENTITY] Albert." Radiant replied as he walked off back to his own [RESIDENCE].

 Radiant opened the front door and walked to his room. He flopped down on his bed and smiled while thinking about Albert. He sighed and sat up, knowing it was going to be a while before seeing him again. He started thinking of all the things he could do with Albert when he came back to visit. He smiled and walked over to his drawer to pull out a notebook and a pen. He started to jot down ideas and places for him and Albert to do when he came back.

He smiled as he closed the notebook and sat back down on his bed. He took off his shoes and hat and covered himself with his blanket before falling asleep. Albert wrapped himself up in blanket as well before falling asleep too. He couldn't wait for his next visit either.
Word count: 1381

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