Hamford | Headcanons

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Mmm Hamster + Sanford


• He's so cute like- UGHHSHSHS-
Pet him and he'll smile.

• He doesn't like being alone and since being small is hard he just-
Snuggle in a blanket like in a burrito and softly sniffles.

• He needs some company,,,. Please, like- if You/Hank came from raiding, he will instantly run to you/him.

• Give him a stool on wheels, plop him on the stool and he'll go cook a small lunch. But help him too, don't want the kitchen to be a mess or him injured, right??

• He loves sitting on someone's shoulder, makes him feel tall or big!!

• Give him an accessory and he'll melt I guess- Like, give him some boots and BAM, adorable.


WattPad, stop crashing- :sob:

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