Oneshot | "Where am I?"

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Another writing shi-
Yes, I am still alive, don't worry. Art above by me.

Requested by : No one.
Trigger Warnings : Mentions of guns, background character deaths. It's Madness Combat what do you expect?


You step out of your school campus and exhale a breath of relief. 'School finally finished. But more homework and assignments then.' you thought to yourself, walking back home while looking down on the path. Maybe you could go find more MadCom fanarts at home being the simp you are. You didn't pay attention to a street light pole as your forehead hit the metal pole.

Haha can't believe you didn't pay attention and hit your head. /j

You slowly open your eyes and get back up, looking around. 'Where the fuck am I..?' you asked yourself, you took notes of your surroundings. Red sky. Red sand. Some gray buildings far away.

You frantically make sure your body is okay, putting your hands on your face, chest, and legs. Sighing in relief that you're still okay. Thankfully you still have your backpack, with your laptop and your phone, including your chargers and a headphone in it. "Wait.." Your voice trailed. "Am I... IN NEVADA!?!" You shouted, looking around for proof. You heard gunshots and running footsteps coming from a tall gray building.

You saw Hank shooting at the rest of the agents down at the edge of the truck. Sanford driving the truck while Deimos helping Hank out. Well that answers your question. You didn't notice Sanford taking glances at your figure as you were staring in awe at the chaos. You've seen the fighting in those animations on screen but it's way better up close!

Deimos somehow dragged your collar shirt and threw you in the truck. You yelped out in surprised. You continued watching the mercenary and the lung cancer midget taking down the agents.

The truck is finally in a safe spot while Sanford driving back to the base, Deimos got back in the truck same as Hank. Honestly, Hank does look terrifying up-close. But you know you'll get used to it soon. "(y/n)." You broke the silence. "What?" Deimos asks. "My name is (y/n)." You replied, "Names Deimos, though you probably already know who I am from my wanted posters." Deimos snickers while taking a seat across from you.

"Yeah..." You half-lied while scratching the nape of your neck awkwardly. You already knew them in the internet. "That emo ninja is Hank," He points at the mentioned mercenary, Hank shooting a menacing glare "And that shirtless dude is Sanford" His eyes(??) trails to Sanford driving the truck.

Silence then grew, the tension feels pretty strong and thick. You can probably cut something with a knife. You snickered quietly at your joke from a certain blue cat and orange fish series show, unsurprisingly the trio heard you. Hank then broke the silence, "You aren't from here, right?" he asks, slightly curious.

"Nope. Not from this universe." you muttered the last sentence. Deimos' face lights up. "What's it like in your place?! Were there any chaos, murder and shit?! Is there also a lot of video games and good supplies for-" Deimos' ramble got cut off by Sanford. "Dei, I think you're scaring them." The shirtless grunt snickers.

Oh boy, you knew your life will changed. You may or may not die along the way, but atleast you got the trio. Well, sorta.

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