Deimos | Stupid Argument

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Deimos + Little Sibling Reader
Angst to Fluff

Requested by WarCriminalCommie

You decided that you wanted to hang out with Deimos while Hank and Sanford are out. Let's just say it turned pretty bad but a wholesome ending.


Somewhere in Nevada

You were bored out of your mind and you got nothing to do. Sanford and Hank are out doing a mission and you couldn't come because it was 'too dangerous'. You pondered for a moment on your messy bed.

Maybe you could talk with Doc? But he's too busy and would yell at you. Hang out with your big brother, Dei? Sure, he's energetic and he loves you anyways. Getting off bed, you hissed slightly as your feet hit the somewhat cold floor.

You stood up and walked outside, you still haven't got used to the base and don't really remember most of the rooms. You should work on that later. Quietly finding Deimos, you found him laying on the couch playing some old video game he found during one of the food hunt missions. Oh boy, you felt quite mischievous today and wanted to surprise him.

Taking quiet steps behind him, you finally spoke up. "Boo."
He slipped off the couch and lost in the game he was too busy playing. "What the- [Nickname]! I was gaming on my gaming device using my gaming skills!" He yelled in embarrassment, he thought you were an intruder or something.

Laughing your cheeks off, he grumbled and went back to his 'gaming' session. After a few seconds, your laughter died down and only snickers came out from you. Your face then dropped slightly that he didn't laugh. Slowly sliding on the couch to sit beside him, you started poking him.


"Deimos, let's do something together again!"

You poked him and started whining like a child. Until he finally snapped.

"[READER], YOU IDIOT. CAN'T YOU SEE I'M BUSY RIGHT NOW? ALL YOU DO IS ANNOY THE HELL OUT OF ME AND WHINE. GO BACK TO YOUR ROOM!" His sudden outburst surprised you and tears were about to fall. "Cry all you want, I don't care." You speedwalked back to your room without a word.

──── ・ 。゚☆: *. 🔥 .* :☆゚。 ・ ────

The doors of the base slowly creaked open and there stood Sanford and Hank. Hank then already went inside and Deimos looked at Sanford. His angry demeanour seemed to calm down and realised what he had did. "You heard everything, right..?" Deimos asked nervously.

"You idiot, of course I did. More like me and Hank did. You know [Nickname] just wanted you to play and hang out with them, yet you yelled at them instead!" The shirtless hook user scolded the smoker, each word making the smoker realised he was in the wrong.

"Oh wait, you're right." He replied with his pea brain. Sanford only face-palmed and told Deimos to go and apologise. Deimos quickly nodded and ran to your room.

──── ・ 。゚☆: *. 🔥 .* :☆゚。 ・ ────

A knock was heard from your bedroom door. "Hey uh, [Nickname]. Can I come in?" His raspy voice was slightly muffled due to the door. Deimos being the idiot he is, he went in anyway. The light from the outside shined on your blanket.

There was a look of nervousness on the midget smoker's face. "Hey [Nickname].." He muttered out. You didn't respond and only turned away. He then sat on the edge of the bed. "Look, I'm sorry. That was stupid of me to yell at you and all. Blah blah blah... Will you forgive me?" His apologise was quite funny to you, he's a little bad at apologising.

Laughing lightly, you sat up and finally spoke up. "Sure." His face lit up like an idiot even though he's way older than you. You pulled him down to cuddle like the totally best siblings you both are and had a calm and comforting moment for once.

It's rare for you both to be so calm and wholesome together.


This was shorter than I expected, I wanted to reach 1k words-
Speedrunning on other requests

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