Chapter - 7/ Confession

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Ryan's diary

Dear Benny-boo,

Today, something happend that I never expected in a million years. I'm kinda__ really shocked. I seriously can't believe what I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears.

Your confused friend,

Ryan •(°_°)•

"Hey Babe, Wanna have dinner tonight," Alan says winking at dexter who had an embarrassed look on his face.

"Oh Sammy-poo, your so amazing. As long as I'm with you I can anywhere even if that place is hell" Dexter says in a high pitched voice and holds Alan's hand passionately.

"You're so cute, my Ryan baby. My sugar cup." Alan says and they rub their noses.

"Get a room. You guys are gross. Plus, I do not sound like that and whatever happend was just an accident. Let it go already." Ryan says annoyed by his two friends.

"What's wrong, Ryany-poo? Do you miss Sammy?" Alan says and winks at Ryan. Dexter bites his lips for the billionth time to stop laughing.

"I don't know if I miss Sam but I certainly am annoyed by you two," Ryan says angrily and the two of them chuckle.

Sam enters the classroom. Ryan turns around. Their eyes meet.

Sam's cheeks turn into a dark shade of red. Heat Rises to Ryan's cheeks as well.

Why is he blushing? Why am I blushing? Is he gay? Or am I gay? Or are we both gay? Ryan thinks as he stares at the black-haired boy who was blushing, heavily just like him.

" Mr Flynn, please take your seat," the calculus teacher says standing behind Sam, interrupting their 'moment'.


" Sammy, I want you to feed me," Dexter says.
"Of course my buttercup," Alan says and feeds Dexter the sweet potato curry.

"Guys, seriously, get away from me or else I'm gonna vomit," Ryan warns them for the millionth time.

"Aww. The widdle baby got mad. What you gonna do? Bite me?" Alan coos.

"It's ironic coming from someone who not so long ago was sharing a moment with his beloved in the classroom," Dexter says, smirking.

"We were not!" Ryan screams in frustration.

Something hits the back of his head. He turns around and finds a folded paper laying on the ground. He picks it up and looks around the cafeteria. No one looks sus. His eyes narrow at Katherine. She probably didn't do this. Ryan thinks.

He unfolds the paper.

Meet me in the field after school alone.


"Guys, the note said to come alone," Ryan says.
"Do you think we're going to leave you alone?" Dexter says.
"Yup. Plus, we're gonna be hiding. Whoever asked you to meet up won't even know we're there" Alan says.
" The word is disguised not hiding" Ryan corrects them.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that they are covered in leaves and green paint to make themselves appear like a bush.

" It's the same," Alan says.
"It's not" Ryan rolls his eyes.

They reach the empty field.

"Alright, Ryan, remember we're not here. We took off for home as soon as the bell rang and you're left alone" Alan says.
"You don't need to say" Ryan rolls his eyes again.
"Guys someones coming! " Dexter warns them.

"Best of luck," Alan says and he and Dexter crouch on the ground and stop moving. Ryan notes that they look just like bushes and no one could notice unless they take a relatively closer look.

He sees a blonde girl headed towards him. Her hair is the same colour as Alan but the eyes are grey, unlike Alan's blue eyes.

The girl stops in front of Ryan.

She spots the bushes beside Ryan. Her eyebrows widen in confusion.

"Hi" the girl's eyes meet Ryan's orbs.

"Hi?" Ryan gives her a questioning look.

"Actually_ Uh, I wanted to say something to you"

"I'm all ears"

" Umm, were these bushes always here?" She asks confused.

" Where else would these be if not here? So, what did you want to tell me?"

"Well_ uh, do you like coffee? There's a nice cafe nearby. We could talk over a cup of coffee if you want to" the girl asks nervously.

She looks kinda cute while nervous. Ryan thinks.

"That sounds nice. I was feeling a bit thirsty anyway"

They start walking away.

The two bushes stand up and cautiously start following the two.

They reach the small homely looking cafe. As soon as they enter the shop, the delicious aroma of coffee fills their nostrils.

They sit down at a table near the giant glass window.

The bushes stay outside and watch them, ignoring the looks people were giving them.

" It smells so nice," Ryan says stirring his coffee.

"Yeah, I know. I love the coffee they make here" the small smile on her face doesn't go unnoticed Ryan.
" I'm Claire by the way " she adds.


"I know. We have history class together."

" No wonder you seemed familiar. So?"

" Can we finish drinking the coffee first? I don't like it cold" the girl says and starts sipping her coffee.

Suspicious. Ryan thinks.


They were currently at an empty park.
The girl insisted they go somewhere private to have a conversation and Ryan was getting more suspicious by each second. There were familiar looking bushes behind a tree. Hearing everything.

"I wanted to tell you that I_" the girl continues.

"I_ uh "

"Go on say it"

The girl closes her eyes, takes a deep breath.
"I like you!" she screams.
Ryan freezes.

Brain? He calls in his mind.
Did you hear what she said?
I did.
Replay it once more.

I like you

Again in slow motion.

I_ like _ you

It's confirmed. I'm hallucinating. This is not real. It's all in my head.

The girl stands there, anxiously.

Alan and Dexter feel like the world is spinning.

Brain? What should I do?

Run for now. Think about this after you get home.

Ryan slowly turns around and starts running away.

He leaves the park and Claire.

The two bushes stand up and start running behind him.

The girl stands there, baffled.


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