Goodbye Mom...

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It was morning before Thomison even knew it. Her head ached and felt like someone was pressing their fingers into her skull. She sat up in bed and nearly screamed when she felt the large body next to her.

"What are you doing in here!?" She shrieked and covered herself with the blanket and punched Zephyr who was snoring and sprawled out like a child. He groaned and turned over away from her.

"It was late and I spent the night," He groaned half asleep. 

"What!! That doesn't mean sleep in my bed! Oh god, oh no no no no no no NO we did NOT-"

"Thomison, baby, shut up. We didn't have sex, I stayed on my side of the bed, I didn't even touch you," Zephyr said and sat up with a deep scowl. Thomison noticed he hadn't even taken off his clothes to sleep, and she didn't have any marks of what she feared. The sheets were hardly disturbed on his side of the bed as well. Zephyr sighed with annoyance and left the room without another word. Her heart gave a miserable pang. She got up and got her clothes on for the day to have a long plane flight to Greece in a few hours. 

"Hey Tissy," Korrin knocked on the door and slowly opened it. 

"Hey, what's up?" She asked and stood up to hug her sister who was visibly upset. 

"I'm going to miss you," Korrin whined miserably and fell into her sister's warm embrace.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm going to miss you too," Thomison said and rubbed her back. Korrin hugged her older sister's waist tightly. They shared a tender moment and a second later Mannie walked in as well, his emotions were all extra heightened from his shift last night. His eyes were puffy and his face was a blotchy shade of red. 

"Hey hey, it's okay bubba," Thomison whispered as she released Korrin and held Mannie together in her arms. He was sobbing and dug his hands into Thomison's shirt.

"Shh, I know it's going to be hard, but you gotta be strong for me okay?" Thomison's voice shook as she spoke to her baby brother. "Mom and Korrin are going to need you, but if you ever miss me you can call me and we can talk as long as you want, I'll give you Zephyr's number and you can talk to him at any point you need to." 

"I want to go with you," Mannie insisted as he hiccuped and coughed.

"I know you do, Mannie, but with you being a freshly shifted wolf and having an entire life here, in the middle of a school year, I can't just pick up your whole family and move them thousands of miles away." Zephyr spoke gently, setting his large hands on Mannie's trembling shoulders. 

"But I-"

"No buts, okay? Train well and once you and your sister finish next year in school I can assess you and her both and see if you're ready for what we talked about," Zephyr finished. Mannie jutted out his chin and turned with a proud anger, then stomped away to his room. Zephyr sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. His phone began to ring and he turned without a word to answer it, he said something lowly and walked outside to speak on the phone. Thomison turned to  Korrin and hugged her tightly. 

"Call us as soon as you land, okay? And send me like billions of pictures, please," Korrin made Thomison promise her, and then released her to finish putting her suitcase and carry-on bag together to be ready when Zephyr gave the word. 

"Mom?" Thomison asked as she peeked her head in her mother's room. Helena was curled up on her bed with what looked to be a bottle of liquor on the night stand.

"Mom, wake up." Thomison said through grit teeth as she walked to the side of the bed where her mother lay. Thomison's eyes filled with hot, fat tears. Her mother had promised never to touch alcohol again, and yet here she was, passed out on the bed when she was leaving the country soon. 

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