Sit Up Straight

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Thomison was shaken awake and saw that they were on the ground. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and sat up. The windows were light with the grey light of the early sunrise.

"Are we there?" Thomison asked around a yawn.

"No, we're making a quick stop in France to pick up my sister, Nyx. Please don't stare." With that Zephyr stepped away from her and left the plane. Thomison straightened her shirt and followed him down the steps to a waiting car.

Zephyr held the door open for her and slid into the back after her.

"Emmenez-nous dans le quartier des jardins," Zephyr spoke in flawless French (take us to the Garden District). After that he stayed silent but kept a large hand on her thigh. Thomison watched as the buildings passed and eventually turned to green hills and sprawling mansions with lush greenery and fields. They were in the countryside now, and Thomison was taken by the beauty. She watched from the worn road as they passed by estates and eventually came to a large city. They entered and she watched in complete awe as the countryside turned to old buildings with flowers and bright colors spilling from balconies and large pots that overflowed with vines that sprouted wide green leaves.

"Welcome to the Garden District, the city of flowers and light." Zephyr spoke. Though Thomison's nose was stuck to the glass, Zephyr marveled at the awe and light in her eyes as they passed shops that sold dresses, shoes, bouquets, and small coffee shops. Thomison's hand tightened around Zephyr's as they drove slowly passed a large bookshop that sold every kind of book the heart could want. He took note of that small reaction she gave, and soon they turned down another street and stopped in front of a coffee shop that Zephyr favored over the others.

"Arrêtez ici," He said, then got out of the car and opened the door for Thomison. She took his hand and stood. The driver then shut the car off, and Thomison shot Zephyr a questioning look.

"We're just stopping for lunch, I'm hungry," He explained, then led her into the quaint little store. She looked around the worn down shop in awe and followed Zephyr to the counter. He ordered something in french then grabbed her hand and led her to a soft booth by the front windows. There were fresh cut flowers on the table, Thomison felt something akin to excitement as they sat in a comfortable silence for a moment. Zephyr pulled out his phone to avoid staring at the beautiful woman in front of him. She was glowing with joy, and Zephyr rolled in the joy of making his mate happy.

The bell to the shop rang just as a small waitress walked to their table and set down two drinks and two sandwiches. The orders were identical, and Zephyr hoped she liked it as it was the same thing he always ordered here.

"Zeph, you dog." A short woman with dark hair and large scaring on the left side of her face called with a thick french accent as she waltzed in. Zephyr's face broke into a snide grin as he stood up to greet the woman. Thomison swallowed awkwardly and sipped the drink that Zephyr had set in front of her. She hid the delight she tasted as she swallowed yet again. She felt a prick of jealousy at the joy Zephyr openly expressed as he embraced the small woman.

Why hadn't he treated her like that when she was with him?

Is he embarrassed?

What's wrong with her, that he doesn't show her emotion?

She pushed the thoughts away and stood abruptly from the table and excused herself to the restroom. As she hurried to the bathroom she brushed hot tears from her eyes before they could fall.

Once in the relative safety of the bathroom she entered a stall and sat down carefully on the toilet and dropped her head into her hands. Careful to conceal her sobs after many minutes, she eventually managed several deep breaths and left the stall. She carefully fixed her makeup and washed her hands before doing one more check, then nervously left the bathroom.

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