Stop im gay <:0.

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btw I stole the dream from another story that I wrote lmao,, THE REST OF THE STORY IS REALLY FLUFFY. LOTS OF GAY PANICKING. Self projection? probably- kiyo is hot as hell and Im gay

Ouma POV

     I wake up to the feeling of my hair being softly played with, and the sound of soft breathing. There's a scent that everyone associates with sleep. That's what it smells like. It's soft, and welcoming. I'm surrounded by a comfortable warmth. I shifted to a more comfortable position, now I'm on top of this---- heat... source? It twitched, causing me to jump up in fear. "Shhh it's just me.." He gracefully brushed my hair out of my face. I sighed in relief. I tried to speak; I really need to stop doing that. Ow. Cough cough. He sat up underneath me. He brought his hands to my face, lightly caressing and squishing my face. "It's around 3 am d-- -"

     He cleared his throat. "Ouma-- my apologies.." He moved them back a little. "Did you just wake up..?" I nodded. "Ah... alright.." Kiyo inhaled deeply. "How about we lie back down.. and....." His hands are warm and soft. I hear his kind and deep voice vibrating in my heart, but I can't hear what he's saying. He's radiating heat. The smell of incense and lavender wafted from him. He isn't wearing his mask and he's wearing pajamas. It's a beautiful look for him. I can't stop looking at his lips, their soft, and most likely also warm. They suit him. He tilted my head upwards to look at him. "Are you hearing me, my dear?" HKJHASAD. I looked away in shame. Nosorryiwastoobusyadmiringyourexsistence. He chuckled. "Ahh~ It's perfectly fine~" He pulled me closer. "Are you" I slowly nodded. "Good.." I'm screwed. He's beautiful. "I was saying.." His voice is soft and somewhat------ lust...ful? Maybe that's the wrong words..? He inched a little closer. "I would love to hold you again... " His hand is now under my chin. "But only if you're okay with it.. alright..?" I nodded. "Alright.." He ran his hands through my hair. I slowly fell on him. On accident. Yeah. Totally. So smooth. Hahaha. He chuckled again. "Alright my dear.." I landed on his chest. His heartbeat is so... calm?

     It's rhythmic, i mean no shit it's a heartbeat but like-- it's so pleasant? Like- plugging your ears at a heavy metal concert and only hearing the bass kinda pleasant and like--- laying on the floor during gym when there are people dribbling balls kind of pleasant. I like it. UGh. I need to not. Why. Ugh. I aggressively nuzzled my face into his chest. Fuck off. Stop being hot. Oh my god. He started playing with my hair. "Goodnight darling~"


Stop im gay.

     I nodded. We lied down again. You're killing me. STOP MAKING ME FEEL THIS WAY. HJHdajnsdfna. My. GOD. MM. "You're an absolutely beautiful human being... My dear...~" MMMMmMMMM.

     He held me closer. AHdhs. MM. AHS. HELP. My HEART MMMMMM. HOLD oN. HolD ON. BREaTHiNG. I inhaled deeply. HHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. It's really waRM. AnD iT SMeLLS GOoD- FMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. "Darling..? Are you alright..? You're quite.... Red....~" He's lOOKING AT ME. AT mY facE. "Ah~ Are you panicking..?~" AJKFHKSJJKHHJHJKJHJKJK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.HHJ. SLEEP. SLEEP TIME..... This is nice... OMG WAIT HE ASKED ME SOMETHING. UM. I nodded. "I wonder why~~" He chuckled. WAIT HUH--- Oh. "Ah~ Are you panicking..?~" ...............IM DUMB. MMMMM. He cupped my face with both hands. M. And he sat on my lap. A. And he leaned into my face. DEAR. GOD. IM GAY. "It's refreshing to see you in such a state..." HHHHSHADHHASDHASHDA. "But as much as I would love to admire you.... You lack sleep.. My beloved...~" HE HAS A GOOD POINT BUT I AM PANICKING SEVERELY. "Can you try to fall back asleep..?" I DON'T KNOW- "For me..?~" I nodded. "Good.." GOD. FM. ASHDFA. AAAAA.

     He rolled over to lay next to me. "Goodnight..~" I nodded again. God, I do that alot. I slipped unconscious.







"HOW DARE YOU >:(! That's not rad."



Suddenly there are dust bunnies in front of me. "Heyyyy-- have some tea! :)"

"Awwww thank you!! Can I pet you?? :D" They got mad. "NO! >:(! NOW YOU CAN'T HAVE TEA UNLESS YOU SING! >:("

"Okay Lmao."

I *ahem*ed

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IM NOT OKAYYYYYYYYYY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IM NOT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OKAYYYYYYYYHEYHEYayyyyeyyyHHEy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" i giggled. "~~~~~~~~~I'M NOT~~~~~OKAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY~~~~ YOU WEAR" G I G G L E "ME OUUUUUTTTT!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DUN DUNDUNNUNUNUNUUUUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH DO NUNUNUUUUUU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" They gave me a cup of tea "It's called teawater :)" I smiled "That's rad :)" They gasped "YOU'RE THE CHOSEN ONE!!"

"No way <:0"

"Have a tea crown!" They placed something on my head. "Teeheeeeeeeeee!!!! I like this room because it smells good teeeheeeeeheeeee"


"Wait... where's my TEA?"

They screamed aggressively. "YOUR MOM. GO AWAY >:("


     I jolted awake. I tried to say something; i don't know what- but i tried to say something. AGAIN. OW. I coughed. "You should really stop doing that.." I let out a high pitched piercing squeal.....screech? Noise? HOw. PaiN. OW. MMM. Cough cough. He plugged his ears. "Well... You've gained.... Some vocal abilities... I suppose..?" I chugged the water on the side table. I made a door creaking noise. "Goodness- i think you should rest your voice-" I made another old man dying noise.

     OW. I coughed again. "Ouma-" Coughing. MM. "Dear." ACK. COUGH. "Mon chéri." HElp. I drank some more water. "Bien-aimé.." I signed 'I'm sorry.' The coughing died down a little. "....As I was saying, you should rest your voice. As you may have already noticed, it is very painful to speak."

     I nodded while coughing into my elbow. I inhaled slowly. "Understood..?" I nodded. "Good." He sat next to me. "I have your prescriptions and your sustenance." I opened my mouth. "...?" I'm tired. I leaned into the wall. "Ah--- what is this behavior..?" It's still open. FEED. ME. BITCH. He sighed slowly. "....Are you requesting that I feed you..?" I nodded. Yes. Feed Me. "....Um... Alright.. I suppose.." He took the package of 'food' and squeezed it into my mouth.


     "...Did that suffice..?" I nodded. "Good..." I fell into his arms, silently but effectively he returned the affection "......You've become quite affectionate with me as of late, haven't you..?"  I nodded.  I'm like a cat. Give me affection and food and I'll tolerate you. I made a whiny noise. It didn't hurt so bad. "......Well my prediction was off." 

"Y---- YeA-" I coughed once more. My voice is scratchy, and harsh.  "Do be careful, You just barely got your voice back.. You wouldn't want to loose it again.."  I nodded with a smile planted on my face.

 This is going to be a lot of fun. 


I don't know if there is going to be more but yeah heres the ending I guess.


Word count: 3,412

Character count: 18,907

Me: Not at school

My internet: Shitty

My patients: None

My sleep schedule: Also shitty

Hotel: Trivago

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