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CONTENT WARNING:  Coughing up blood, coughing up flowers, experiencing injuries, trust issues, trauma, and traumatic events. (CONTENT WARNING MY DRAWINGS: Depictions of coughing up blood and flowers, gay shit) 


Now... Shall we begin? 

   OUmA pOV. (Ult. Fashion Historian)

      Red. Just red. Everywhere. On the floor. On the walls. The petals, the blood, all over the somewhat polite outfit that 'they' gave me. Hacking and hacking I go. I can't breathe. The sharp vines of the fresh flowers growing in my lungs are growing stronger. Roses started growing on my neck yesterday. I finally finished coughing them up. My throat is bleeding. My mouth is bleeding. I can only taste my own blood. I sigh. It's painful, but it's already too late.. Isn't it..? I know I'm going to die soon, but I'd rather die than forget. I stood up to stare at my blood covered mirror to peer at the rose petals and red carnations growing on my neck. I attempt to pick at them. I wince and hiss. Nevermind. I sink to the floor. Blood and rose petals surrounded me. I picked up a blood soaked flower and threw it away. I have to clean this. No one can know. Not even him. I exit my bathroom and enter my purple lit bedroom, and I grab some fresh clothing, pajamas. I need to sleep, but I know I won't. Honestly there's no point in trying to sleep anymore. I grab some cleaning supplies. I throw away all the flowers and wipe away the blood.




     Fuck. I washed my hands and rushed to the door. "Yes?" I croaked. It hurts. God it hurts so bad. "... Do you mind if I come in..?" Oh shit. Oh fuck. It's him. My lungs ache. He pushed the door open a tad. "You haven't left your dorm today." I can't talk. The vines have slowly climbed up my throat. I haven't eaten. I haven't slept. I haven't drinken. It's too painful. I stared off into space. "...." I opened my door for him to enter. "...Alright." He entered and I closed the door. "Sit with me." ... I sat next to him. He's holding a small plate of food. It's steaming. It's still hot. There is a long pause. Silence. He set the plate aside and stood up.

     I assume he's leaving. It smells like blood in here. That's why.

     He placed his hand on my shoulder. It made me jump. "Come along." I nodded. Scratching. Itching. I need to cough. I can't. He's here. The feeling of thorns and petals scraping and stabbing at the back of my throat isn't the most pleasant, is it? It's killing me. "Ouma.." I signed sorry. I can't talk. I shakily stood up. He led me to the bathroom. I probably look dead. It smells awful here. Blood. Bleach. Hydrogen peroxide. Flowers. Bad combination to be honest. Suddenly I'm on the counter. How did I get here? "..You have blood all over you..." Shit. Fuck. I didn't think of that. Oh god. He grabbed a small cloth from his pocket and started wiping away the dried blood on my face. I need to cough. It's burning. He picked me up. I limply dangled in his arms. He set me on the bed, against the wall. "....Have you eaten today?" I shook my head no. "......Are you okay?" I stared off into space. I can't reply to that. I can't make him worry. It'd make it worse. I leaned back. He sighed. I think he's leaning in. "Open your mouth please.." I did what he asked me too. Something warm entered it. There was metal.. Is he feeding me or something? Fucking wack. I chewed on it. Who made this? It's good.. Like- really really good. I swallowed.

     Pain shot down my throat and lungs. I lunged forward and started hacking. Petals are flying everywhere..Fully bloomed roses and red carnations. Thorns. I've somewhat become used to the feeling of them stabbing the inside of my throat, but I haven't hacked up the vines yet. This...Is a new kind of pain. Tears ran from my eyes. I can't stop coughing. Everything is disappearing. I can barely breathe. My knees are numb. My clothes are too tight. My hair is too long. My hands hurt. Death is knocking at my door. My ears are ringing. My head is throbbing. Everything is pulsating. I slowly fell over, still hacking. Blood is covering my face and running from my mouth. All I hear is his panicked screaming. He's scared. I hate that he's witnessing this. I let out a final cough. I can't move. I ache. I'm still crying. There is a large pile of soaking wet petals surrounding me. SuddenlyI'm surrounded by warmth. He's....Holding me... Clutching me... Am I moving? It's as if he's begging for my life. Someone just opened the door.. I hear panicked speech. Someone is asking something, I can't hear. My ears are ringing too loud. The only words I can pick out are "Stay awake," "He's dying," and "Ouma." I slowly put my hands over my ears. I feel as though I'm being picked up. Whoever it is, They're running fast. They set me down, saying something muffled.

Petals. ~KIYOUMA~ ~INGAME/TALENT SWAP~ (danganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now