Chapter Three- The first Swim of the summer

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"There they are..." Beverly said quietly as she chucked her bike down and started unbuttoning her dress. "Okay...wh-who's going f-first?" Bill stuttered which we heard from the distance.

"I'll go!" Beverly shouted as she dropped her dress to the floor. I watched as she ran to the edge of the cliff and jumped off confidently. I always wished I was like her. So confident and brave at everything, but I was too shy and too awkward.

"Holy shit...we just got shown up by a girl" Richie held his hands on his head in shock as my sister hit the water.

I started unbuttoning my dress as I watched Bill, Eddie and Stan jump off the cliff. "Hey...Dina is it?" the chubby kid smiled at me.

"'re the new kid right?" I asked quietly. He rolled his eyes and smiled, "Just Ben actually" He responded. He turned back to the cliff before doing a jump off leaving Richie by the edge.

I still had my dress clutched in my hand as I refused to reveal my skin to the boy in front of me. "You...alright?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"I'm fine....what's up with you?" he shrugged. "Aren't you going to jump?" I raised my brow back at him standing by the edge of the cliff.

"Ladies first..." He put his hand out for me to jump. "After you..." I raised my hand in the same gesture for him to jump.

"Listen tuts....I'm a polite boy...just like my mom raised'm gonna do the polite thing and wait for you to jump...and then...I'll go after you'' he said sounding nervous. I smirked at his nervousness. Richie seemed like the kind of guy that never got nervous, but for some reason he was quivering.

"You're scared...aren't you?" I crossed my arms, my smirk still on my lips. " I've done this jump a hundred times!" He started speaking fast, trying to cover his nervousness.

"Look...I'm not the judgemental type...if you're can just tell me. I'm scared too....I'm scared to even be naked" I said looking down to my covered body.

"No need to feel scared to get naked around me hot stuff...I can make you feel completely comfortable sweet cheeks" he winked and clicked his tongue against his cheek which made me choke. I new he was a joker and a tad flirtatious but this was next level.

"In your dreams Rich" I snickered.

"Why don't we this together?" He asked, sounding genuine for the first time ever since I started speaking to him.

"Okay...." I said, slightly letting go of my dress. "If I let this go...can you please...not be...vulgar and disgusting?" I asked. "I will try sweet thing" he said with a snicker.

I let my dress slide off my shoulders and hit the floor so I was standing in my bra and underwear. On my ribs were a few slight marks from when our dad got too drunk and started getting aggressive. I would rather it me than Beverly which she hated more than anything that I got most of the wrath from him.

Richie's eyes widened at the sight of me which made me wrap my arms to try and cover myself. "Please don't stare at me....'' I said quietly and walked next to him by the edge.

" are you ready to do this shit?" He asked.

I looked down to see Beverly looking up at us with the other boys swimming around her.

"Come on!" She shouted up to us.

"Okay...1....2...." I counted down when Richie grabbed my hand and we jumped down into the water.

The water was luke warm from the sun beaming down on it. My feet hit the bed of the lake before I swam back up to reach the surface.

I wiped the water of my eyes and took a breath.

"You alright D?" Beverly asked as she stood by Bill.

"Never better" I smiled.

We swam around for a while before the boys decided to have a chicken fight.

"Come on and me...against Eddie and Richie" Stan said to me. "Okay...." I said nervously. I climbed onto Stan's shoulders before Richie and I started pushing against my hands. "Come on Rich...I thought you were stronger than that!" I teased as he tried to push harder against my palms.

"You want rough....I can give you that" he said in a daunting voice before pushing me hard, and Stan and I fell backwards into the water.

"haha! Suckers!" Richie and Eddie both shouted together. "Ow....ow..." I stated whining and gabbing my leg under the water. "Something grabbed me...." I started whining.

"Shit...are...are you okay?" Richie swam over and started panicking.

"No....something grabbed me Rich...look" I pointed down into the water where he went under. I smirked over to Stan who caught on.

"I don't see anyth-' Richie started saying before I jumped on him and pulled us both under the water.

We both kicked and wrestled under the water, laughing and tormenting each other. I had never felt so comfortable around someone like I did Richie. After seeing him have a moment where I saw him scared made me feel better about being scared and less of a wuss.

Both our heads popped up from the water to see the rest of the group began swimming away. We stood facing each other laughing, there was a moment where everything was peaceful. We were both smiling at each other and felt the same kind of comfort.

"We should...catch up to them" I said before swimming in their direction.

Beverly laid on the rocks, sunbathing in the hot sun. Dina sat on the edge of the rock looking out to the lake of the quarry, admiring the view. The losers however, sat behind the girls admiring their view.

They all stared at the girls in front of them as they relaxed in their underwear.

"Is it just really...pretty?" Richie asked Eddie. His eyes widened at the use of his best friends words. Richie had never referred to a girl as 'pretty' before. Richie had only ever defined females as 'hot' or spoke about them vulgarly but for this very first time, he respected a woman for her beauty.

"Who are you and what have you done with Richie Tozier?" Eddie asked. "Nothing...I just think...she's different to other girls...still hot but...she has a pretty know?" he asked. Eddie scoffed at his best friends unusual behaviour.

"By the sound of it, this girl has made Richie Tozier soft" Eddie snickered.

"No girl makes Richie Tozier soft....they all make me hard.....if you get my gist Eds" Richie winked and nudged his best friend with his arm.

"There we go....he's back...." Eddie laughed.

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