Chapter Seven- The Halucination

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I was up and dressed before eight. I was excited to spend the day with Richie, but nervous at the same time and I wasn't sure why.

Beverly put my hair in french braids to keep my hair out of my face. I wore a spaghetti strap shirt with a pair of blue jeans on with a pair of slip on trainers similar to Richies.

"If you guys come out early, come meet us at the clubhouse...I'll let the others know you're out" She smiled. I walked out of our room to see our dad by our door.

"Where are you off to?" his voice grumbled.

"I'm going to the movies....with a friend from school" I lied to my dad. "You're going to the movies"He said before grabbing my neck and pushing me against the wall. Beverly looked out in fear and froze. "Dad...she's telling the truth" she spoke quietly. "And where might she be meeting you after Bevvie?" he asked.

"I'll be in town....with Angie and Grace....from school" she said quietly. "Really?" he asked after giving me a dirty look. I looked down to his other hand and there was a bottle of liquor in his hand.

"yes" I said, my eyes at the verge of crying. "I don't believe your bullshit!" he shouted in my face. The strong smell of rum on his tongue burned my skin.

"Dad....I'm telling the truth" I sobbed when he raised his hand from my throat and his palm connected with my cheek. "Both of you...get out of here now...I don't want to see your faces" he snapped. I quickly moved from his presence, my hand clutching my cheek as it throbbed in pain.

Beverly and I ran out of our apartment, grabbed our bikes from the bike shed and rode through the town.

We stopped outside the arcade when the tears hit me. "D...come here?" Beverly pulled me into a hug and gently rubbed my back. "I hate him" I cried into her shoulder. "Me too. I fucking hate him" she said.

Beverly looked at my cheek to see if the mark was visible and a bruise started sitting on my pale skin.

"Do you want me to stay with you until Richie gets here?" Beverly asked. "'s go meet Bill. Rich won't be too long" I said before giving my sister a hug. I sat in the arcade for about twenty minutes before Richie showed up.

"Hey..." He smiled and awkwardly stood opposite me. "Hi..." I said quietly with a fake and awkward smile.

"You ready to learn how to play street fighter?" Richie said, walking over to the machine in the empty arcade.

"Sure...teach me" I said and stood next to him.

A few hours had passed and Richie had taught me as much as he knew and I was getting good. The fight with my dad was almost forgotten about in my brain as I spent more time with Richie laughing and playing.

"You're getting good Marsh" he laughed and put his hand up to give me a high five when I flinched as he raised his hand.

He caught on immediately to my reaction and put his hand down. "I'm sorry...." I apologised as I panicked, the memory of this morning flooded back into my brain.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. I shook my head before I could feel the tears dwelling in my eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked. A tear ran down my cheek and I knew he noticed it because he opened his arms for me to hug him.

Instead of resisting, I walked into his arms and cried into his shirt. "I'm probably wanted a peaceful day with no drama or stress but I'm here...ruining your day" I cried. "You always ruin my day" he laughed trying to make light of the moment.

"Sorry...I though it was funny but now I think of was a dicky thing to say" He said which made me laugh.

We both took a seat in the photo booth and started talking about some pretty deep stuff that I had never told anyone before.

"So...your dad done that to you? he asked, whilst pointing at my bruised neck. "It's not the first time...I would rather it be me than Beverly." I admitted to him. "I don't get it...why would he be like this?" He asked.

"Our mom killed herself a couple of years ago. He was a drunk and abusive towards her instead of us. He blames us for what she did and he can be so abusive....physically...emotionally...sometimes.........sexually" I admitted. Richie's eyes widened at my confession and he shuffled closer to me.

"I'm sorry to hear that Dina. You don't deserve that...I wish there was something I could do" he said.

"Beverly went to the police a while back because he kept burning his cigarettes out on my arms. The scars faded and the police didn't believe us and gave us a warning for wasting their time. They would never believe us" I said quietly.

Richie put his hand on top of mine and drew circles around on my hand with his thumb. "I believe you'' he said in almost a whisper.

"Thanks...." I said quietly.

We went silent for a moment where we found each other staring at each other smiling. My stomach started to feel funny and that's when the realisation came to me, I did like Richie.

"Did you want to go for a walk? We can go get some ice cream if you want...I have five bucks?" Richie suggested which made me laugh. "Okay..." I answered.

"I can't believe your go to flavour is banana" I pulled a face at Richie as he licked his ice cream in his cone. "Yours is vanilla...yours couldn't be anymore boring" he laughed.

I looked down at his ice cream and pointed. " you see that?" he looked down to the ice cream. "What?" he looked down. "Can't you see that...its moving on your ice cream" I groaned sounding disgusted.

"I don't get how you can't see're the one with glasses!" I said. He moved the ice cream closer to him when I grabbed his hand that the ice cream was in and pushed it up onto his nose.

I quickly jumped up and started running towards the Paul Bunyan statue in the middle of the park. "Oh no you don't...get back here!" He called out and started running towards me, ice cream still on his face even though he attempted to wipe it off.

I hid behind the statue and waited for Richie to find me when I thought I saw my dad. "Dina....get back here now! You're a aren't at the movies!" He shouted. I watched him speed walk towards me and I could feel my heart racing.

As he got closer and closer I could see him getting taller and taller and towering me in height. "There is only one way to escape me!" His voice changed and sounded like he was possessed.

"This isn't's just a heluxcination." I clenched my eyes shut and kept telling myself. I opened my eyes to feel a hand grab my shoulder which made me jump.

"Holy fuck Richie! You scared the shit outa me!" I shrieked and jumped into his arms to hug him in fear. "What? You knew I was there though?" I looked to where I saw my dad and he was gone.

"You didn't see that?" I pointed to the distance.

"No...I didn' everything okay?" he asked. I held him close to me and didn't let him go.

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