Chapter Seventeen- Emergency room

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I woke up in the Derry County hospital. My whole stomach felt like it was on fire, the memories from the events that got me here kept replaying in my mind.

"D?" Beverly's delicate voice said as I turned to my left to see her sitting in the hospital chair. "Beverly?" My voice was so quiet that I'm surprised she even heard anything.

" are you feeling?" She asked with her beautiful smile plastered across her face.

"A bit sore....does...does dad know I'm here?" I asked. She nodded, a frown on her face as she looked to her hands. I wasn't there for a couple of days which meant that Beverly had most of the trouble from him.

"It's mom's he's...he's been a bit of a....handful" Beverly's eyes remained on her hands that rested gently in her lap.

"I'm sorry Bev" I frowned and put my hand out which had wires attached to my skin which were attached to heart rate monitors. "Don't be D....I'm glad you're okay...alive by miracle I should say" she smiled and took my hand.

I laid there peacefully for a few minutes, hand in hand with my sister.

"What happened with the others? I remember...them fighting or something?" I thought back to the thing I remember.

"Take it back!" Bill shouted as I saw his hand raise and hit Richie clean in the face. I wanted to scream at them to stop but the words couldn't reach my voice box.

I felt so lifeless, there was no energy flowing through me.


"None of the others are talking....I spoke to Bill once....told him to not give up on Georgie but to see reason from the others." She said with a small smile at the mention of Bill's name.

"And...and Richie?" I asked.

God, I hope that Richie is okay. I need him in my life just as much as the rest of the losers but Riche was different, I felt a longing for him like I needed him there forever. I needed to see him and know he was perfectly okay.

"He's fine actually. He's been trying to come and visit you for the three days you've been here. Its kind of annoying getting phone calls all day from that loudmouth. I don't know how you can just sit and talk to him...all he does is babble on. It's fucking annoying" she laughed. I smiled at the memory of the tall boy with brown curly hair, big brown eyes that were magnified under his large glasses.

"Do you know when I can come home?" I asked Beverly. "I think it's tomorrow you will be discarded from here..." She said with a smile.

"I sure as hell hope so"

"Hello...Richie..." I said into the phone as I heard his voice on the other end.

"Holy fuck Dina!? Is that you?" he shrieked.

"'s me" a smile creeped on my face at the sound of his voice.

"Fuck..oh my god...are you okay? How bad was it? Are you alright? I can't believe I'm hearing your voice...oh my god...fuck!" he started talking really fast through the phone just like Beverly had described but it seemed less annoying to me.

"Yes...I'm fine Richie..I'm just on pain killers because the pain is so bad. I have to stay in bed for a while"

"Okay...well can I come see you? As long as Denbrough isn't there to suck face with your sister" he said.

"No...he's not...but can come just have to be out before 4...that's when dad's home" I smiled.

My phone call ended quicker than it started, Richie was over over the moon to see me and I was thrilled to see him.

"My little have no fucking clue how happy I am to see your face" he said as he dropped his bag down on the floor by my bed.

"Hey Crabby...someone miss me" I smiled as I saw his face.

"You have no fucking idea" He had his fingers rested on the temples of his head as he paced my room. He looked incredible, better than I remembered.

His hair hung perfectly over his face, his glasses rested on the soft, freckled kissed nose on his face, highlighting a small purple ring that was left around his eye from Bill. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans, his normal black slip on trainers, a white t-shirt under his pink and turquoise Hawaiian shirt. He looked so good.

"You look different crabby...." I smiled as he paced my room, trying to figure out if being here with me was real or a figment of his imagination. He stopped and looked at pretty confused at my statement.

"Different good....or different bad?" he asked. "What do you think genius?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"I could mean something fucking else" He shrugged.

"She look hot" Beverly said as she sat down on her bed, sparking her cigarette that was between her lips.

My eyes widened that Beverly had just dubbed me in big time. Richie looked over his shoulder to Beverly, whilst he was looking at her she was looking at me. I shook my head and mouthed "no...what are you doing?". She shrugged with a smirk before Richie looked back to me with the same smirk that she had.

"I'll leave you lovers to it..." She pulled on her cigarette and walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

"You think I'm hot...huh?" Richie smirked and sat down on my bed next to me. "What?" I said sounding nervous. "Hmm...really...I think its the rugged look that does it...." He smirked, brushing his fingers through his curls to mess them up slightly.

I loved whenever he would do this and the son of a bitch knew it too. My heart started racing, his cheeks flushed a red colour as he flirted with me. " comment" I snickered as I raised my finger at him to try and defend my case.

"You can't even deny it...." He laughed and shuffled back to make himself comfortable on my bed.

"You look great though always do" I smiled, tilting my head to look at his face better. A smile plastered his face and his cheeks turned rosy.

"Don't flatter me doll...." he held his hand to his heart in a jokey way.

"I'll look better when I'm out of my pyjamas in some proper clothes"

"I can always get you out of your pyjamas...." He said with a wink which made me laugh.

"Maybe one day Tozier...." I admitted for the first time rather than cringing at it or even denying it which shocked him more than anything.

"Does this mean...does this mean I can ask you out?" He said in an excitable tone. I shrugged and smiled, the heat in my stomach that I felt when he walked in remained in my cheeks now.

"Do you think you'll be out of bed Friday?" he asked with a small nervous smile. "Yeah...what did you have in mind?" I asked.

"I'll meet you at the Aladdin movie theatre at 2pm on Friday...." He smiled.

I remained calm and collected on the outside but deep down I was over the moon, my first ever date.

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