Hi, readers!
It's going to be like the first Disney's If...?
Part 1 is what actually happened.
Part 2 is the alternative version.
I got a few What If...? Ideas.
What If...Nick Wilde became the Cop?
It's going to be so different than the film version. Believe me, I loved Zootopia. And yes, Judy Hopps is in it. It might be based off of that movie. Probably same plot, different character roles-wise. Yes, Judy's a carrot farmer with her huge family. She's going to become helpful. Somehow...What If...The Rescuers Goes to London?
I have saw the Bayou and the Australia in both films (Rescuer and Rescuers Down Under). There wasn't a London one before. Just an idea. May not be easy. And I have to try how that works out. The Albatrosses of Orville and Wilbur will be in it.What If...Ratigan was the Inventor?
Oh my word! I have been watching Edward Scissorhands on Disney Plus. I can imagine him as the Inventor. Ratigan's going to be the Tim-Burton-style kind of a inventor before he became the bad guy. And Basil's in it. I'm finding my idea pretty interesting.What do you think?
I don't know if I may do more What If...? Parts ideas though. It's all I got.
If you did read the first Disney's What If...? Series, move on. If not, read there first.
The last thing you read is Nick Wilde the Cop appears in Time's Castle.
There's going to be a connection about Professor Ratigan.
And some Disney characters may come back in this series.
It could be anyone.
The new Disney's What If...? Series doesn't start until 2022. No date yet.
Thank you for your reading and checking out things.
Edited on 12/10/2021: Will work it on some new stories. May not be published until possibly around the first week of January 2022. That's just my guess there.
Edited on 12/11/2021: What I'm trying to do is write some parts out. I figured if I get that done before 2022, I may publish them three what ifs at the same time. That's my goal for now. Thanks for wondering.
Edited on 12/14/2021: In case you don't want to wait until New Year, I am deciding to publish three new What If...? episodes this weekend. 12/18/2021. Keep checking for Disney's What If...? Series 2.
Will update when it starts.
Edited on 12/14/2021: I will start another new Disney's What If...? Series this weekend! 12/18/2021 or sooner!

Disney's What If...? Series 2
FanfictionThe continuation of Disney's What If...? Series... Here are the parts of it; What If...Nick Wilde became the Cop? (Zootopia 2016) What If...The Rescuers goes to London? (The Rescuers I & II 1977 & 1990) What If...Ratigan was the Inventor? (The Great...