Note: Varian working for Cass in Lucky Cat Cafe. Varian's Nightmares. An emotional one with Baymax.
In the Lucky Cat Cafe, Cass was busy taking care of consumers (Customers. However you prefer them).
The girls on a round table are waiting for the boys.
Honey Lemon and Gogo heard people coming down the staircase.
Wasabi was the first to appear.
Honey Lemon gets curious: How did Varian look?
Wasabi: Not what the little man expects.
Fred arrived next.
He still has the goofy smile.
Fred: He's just new with Tadashi's clothing. They seemed to be brothers when you look at them.
Wasabi and Fred glances up to the stairs.
Same goes to Gogo and Honey Lemon.
Tadashi drags Varian slowly down the staircase.
Tadashi whispers: Come on, Varian. Don't be a shy panda. It's okay.
The kid was flustered.
Don't know if Varian wants yank his hand off to go back in hiding...
Or the kid was really frightened of seeing new people in a public place?
No matter how comforting Tadashi can be, Varian was still un-bearing the ache in his heart.
Wasabi and Fred acts their natural selves.
Gogo speaks so cool as a cucumber: They really dress the kid up like that? I don't think that outfit suits him.
Honey Lemon was awkward: I think it looks nice. A bit baggy really.
Tadashi give Varian a chair.
The kid took it.
Varian just observed Tadashi's pals.
The kid seemed seriously hesitant.
To do or say anything.
They are making a conversation.
A conversation on the topic of last night's lamented boy.
Gogo: It's Tadashi clothes. Of course it's going to be baggy. Varian's not as tall as Tadashi's.
Wasabi: Have you seen the look between Varian and Tadashi?
Fred: I told ya they're like brothers.
One of the group was confused.
Wasabi: Wait? When did you say that?
Fred: Just now.
Tadashi chuckles himself: Varian and I are not brothers.
Fred: They can be.
Tadashi rolls his eyes.
Gogo: Don't lose your head again, Fred.
Honey Lemon: Guys, we have just met him. Give the kid a break.
Varian got whistled at by one of the group.
It was the woman with purple hair-stripe. Right along with mostly black on her head.
Gogo asks the kid: You're Varian?
The kid just nodded his head timidly.
Cass brought everyone breakfast.

Disney's What If...? Series 2
FanfictionThe continuation of Disney's What If...? Series... Here are the parts of it; What If...Nick Wilde became the Cop? (Zootopia 2016) What If...The Rescuers goes to London? (The Rescuers I & II 1977 & 1990) What If...Ratigan was the Inventor? (The Great...