+ Birds +

9 4 0

A murmuration flew above the Maths block as I took one big bite into my cucumber sandwich and stared at the group of pigeons. The weather wasn't nearly as nice as it was yesterday, and last night the rain was so loud that my baby brother fell out of his cot and the whole neighbourhood heard it.

+ + +

I flick through my phone as I wait for the bell to ring, my raincoat covering my head and me. A notification pops up on my screen as I feel a light buzz.

I have maths next. Great.

"Hey! Cody! Nice to see you again, mate!" I hear someone say from behind me.

I look up from my wet spotted phone screen and I see a guy. As I was wipe my phone screen on my hoodie, I notice that he is exceedingly tall. He has dark brown hair that he's combed for what it looks like ten hours, masses of freckles and acne, and deep blue eyes that make me shiver and turn red.

Despite the amount of time I look at him and take notes of his appearance,  I still can't seem to recognise him.

"Uhh, do I know you?" I ask him, confused.

He sighs. "It's me, Dylan! From biology class! Remember me?" I shake my head, but smile. "Oh. Well, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to maybe hang out?" I look at the sky and point up. "Yes, well the weather's shitty now, but I was thinking maybe.. if I could get your number, possibly? We could hang out on the weekend?" I take my phone out and smile.

"Okay, yeah, sure." new year, new friends. I remember Hannah saying that to me about six thousand times. So I pass him my phone and he types in his number.

He smiles at me. "Thanks!" Then he walks off. I guess I've got a new friend?

+ + +

I sit in maths class, strongly annoyed and fatigued. I really hate maths, and tons of people I know hate it too, but I feel as if I hate it the most. And if that's not bad enough, at least give me a friendly and enthusiastic teacher. The ones I get are always boring and rude, and they don't even mark me well.

So I just don't do any work. If that's all I can do, I'll do it. Or I won't do it.. however it's put.

I remember being in year four and saying to my teacher:

"Oh, my gosh! I really love maths! I never ever ever want to stop learning! When are we going to do decimals?"

Of course, I was nine, and in a good mood. So that doesn't count. Don't be thinking I secretly am obsessed with the world of arithmetic.

Soon later, the bell goes. Finally! But the professor doesn't move. A few students start to stand up slowly but he just clears his throat as if to tell them to sit their asses back down.

He strokes his moustache, and I scoff. "I am marking work, right now. I will let you go when I am ready, not when you are." he says. Some pupils groan and slump back in their seats.

Naturally, I would stay seated, but I have an acting audition in the auditorium this lunch, and there's no way I'm going to be late for it. So I lie.

I stand up with my bag. "Uhm, sir.. where do you think you're going?" the professor stops marking and looks at me sternly. I do a soft fake cough.

"I-I'm not feeling very well.. I think I'm gonna.. head to the nurse..." I say quietly.

"Very well.." he says. "Make sure to do the trigonometry homework I set for you.." what?

I nod and leave the room.

Then I run like Sonic the hedgehog as if he just got bitten on the tail and was being chased by furious killer wasps to the auditorium.

"You're late." the woman says.

She isn't just a normal woman..

She's Brianna.

I Couldn't Care LessWhere stories live. Discover now