+ Foxes +

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Today was the day. I was going to ask Benji out. It shouldn't be too hard, right? No, it'll be easy, since today we have last minute dress rehearsals for The Lion King, and tonight, we'll perform The Lion King in front of everyone. My parents will be there, my stepmother, my brother, some of my friends, and, of course, Tess. I'm nervous, but at least I'm not asking Ben out in front of everyone.

+ + +

First period, math. I hate math. In fact, I'm pretty sure everyone in my year hates math, and it's pretty obvious, because it's not like anyone ever tries. 

"Come on, students, lets get all brained up for your exams next year!" the teacher claps. "I don't wanna be checking your work at the end of the day to find out that you don't know the square root of 36!" I sigh. 

We're in the middle of doing silent math in a silent room, and I hear the door open. I turn around to see who it is, being the curious person that I am, and.. it's Tess.

"Hey, teacher." she gets the teachers attention. Shit. It's about me. She's going to tell him about some fake thing that I did. Well, too bad for her, I can just admit I'm gay and be happy with it.

The teacher looks at her and scoffs. "Tessa, if you're going to be rude, you can get out. We're in the middle of a test." well, he didn't say it was a test, but maybe it'll get Tess out.

But knowing Tess, she just smiles and said:

"No. I need to talk to Cody." 

The teacher looks at me. I look at him. "Go on." he says, not changing his facial expression. I sigh and follow Tess out of the room. 

"What do you want." I snap. 

"Well," Tess says, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Sorry for calling you names and stuff, and sorry for being a total idiot to you. I promise not to bother you like that again." she smiles at me. This has to be fake.

"Uh.. okay." I say. I'm not going to forgive her, even if it's what she wants. Besides, Tess's apologies always have to come with some sort of 'but'.

Tess looks down and starts playing with her fingers. "But." ah, there it is. "But, Cody, I really like you. I can deal with the fact that you're gay, but do you think.. we could maybe, try it out?" she says with a twinkle in her eye.

If I say yes, I'm going to have to deal with.. her. If I say no, I'm going to have rumors spread about me. So I say a bit of both.

"Well, I mean.." I say, "I would, but I'm.. already dating someone." 

Tess looks like she just saw a ghost. 

"Oh." she says. I think I dealt with it pretty well. "Uh, he doesn't have to know, you know, he doesn't." she smiles. 

"Look, Tess." I say impatiently. "I don't like you. Not romantically, and not in a friend way. You're a disgusting, pathetic, irritating, know-it-all homophobic and self obsessed little bitch, and I hate you." I walk back off to class. But before I open the door, I quickly say: 

"Oh, and spread all the rumors you want about me. I don't care." I say.

"Wait, hey, just want you to know; homosexuality's a sin, you know. You're SO going to hell for that. And your parents will HATE you." she says cunningly, as if she thinks it could make a difference.

"Oh yeah?" I say, smiling. "Well guess what, little bitch? I couldn't care less."

I Couldn't Care LessWhere stories live. Discover now