+ Deer +

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Okay, Ben has a tail. Is that normal? Hell no. But at least his personality hasn't changed. That's probably my favourite thing about him. His personality. He doesn't get upset over weeny things, and he isn't fussy or a crybaby. By a crybaby, I mean he doesn't cry when I laugh about his hair going all over the place in the wind. I also like his hair. It's got the same texture as cotton candy - but not sticky, and the colour is just something I adore. It's the colour of a deer. I mean, that's a weird way to put it, but cinnamon blonde could very possibly be my new favourite colour. Oh my God, and I just can't stop ruining it.

+ + +

"So.." I say, pouring Ben's cup of tea. "You're telling me that you have what I think could be a dragon's tail, and your dog has wings?" he nods, taking the mug from my hand. "Well, that's something you don't see everyday." he smirks at me, and takes a sip.

"Do you think it's hot? The fact that I have a tail now?" he says. Then he makes a face, as if to say he didn't think before he said what he did. "Oh- not- I didn't mean it like that. I meant, is it attractive to you..?" I laugh, and he looks down, embarrassed slightly.

"I mean.." I never really found tails attractive, but then again, it's Ben. So I guess so. I nod, not too worried. "Did the girl tell you about any like.. side effects, or when the tail might disappear?" I say, taking a big sip.

"No." Ben shakes his head. "She just said a weird spell and now... I'm like this. I wonder how Bella's doing. She probably is enjoying her wings, but I want her back." he really loves his dog, doesn't he? "Do you have any energy drinks? Maybe we could go and find her." 

"No, I don't. And we'll do it later, we both need sleep. You must be so tired. Come on, finish your tea and we can go to my room and sleep. You can wear my clothes if you want." I say. He takes a big gulp of tea and tips the rest down the sink, leaving the mug on the counter.

Ben follows me upstairs and into my room. I shut the door behind him and push him onto my bed, not meant in a sexual way. "Where will I sleep?" he asks.

"You can sleep in my bed if you'd like," I say.

"Oh, okay." he replies. 

"If you're okay with that?" I ask.

Ben nods. 

I lay down next to him and we stare at the roof together. "I hope Bella's okay." he says. He squeezes my hand. I turn onto my side and kiss him. 

He kisses me back. And back. And back.

I hold his face in both of my hands, playing with his ears. He sits up and lays on top of me, my waist in between his legs. His tongue is hot. So is his face. So is probably the rest of him. I reach my hand up his shirt, struggling to take it off. He sits up and takes it off for me, then I lean forward, letting him take my shirt off.

Ben lays down to kiss me again. 

"Hey.." he says between kisses. "We should.. probably stop and sleep." I shake my head, and he kisses my neck.

I slide my fingertips down his shorts, because I think that's what's happening right now. Without warning, he takes everything off and lays on my bed, waiting for me to join him. 

I take my jeans off and fit myself between his legs, him laying down, me on top of him. I want to do more than this. This is only the start.

He finds whatever left I have on and takes it off. All of it.

I never ever thought that tonight would be the night (even though it's six in the morning) that my boyfriend and I would be laying in bed, making out and completely naked together.

Ben flips me onto my side, fitting his thigh between my legs, my thigh between his. He starts rocking into me, tongue still rattling around in my mouth. The only thought I can think right now: He feels so good...

Before I know it, he's coming against me, eyes squeezed shut and groaning.

This could quite possibly be the best night of my life.

I can't wait for it to happen again.

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