Chapter 2 The Diesel

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(Voices are heard)
Carmen: Your my brother timothy!

Edward: be careful around him.

Henry: LOOKOUT!!!!!

Thomas: Leave us ALONE!!

Gordon: NOOO!!!

Edward: Oh my GOD!!

Henry: Please be alright.

Diesel 10:You can run from me Thomas but you can't hid, I'll get every single one of you!!


(Turns brighter and brighter)

(Thomas wakes up)

Carmen: Thomas!wake up!

Thomas: Uhh what happened.

Percy: you slept while you were taking the mail train Again.

James: and nearly crashed into me.

Carmen: Lucky for you I saved the day.

Thomas: thanks Carmen, where's Gordon.

Henry: I don't know, he was supposed to come back from taking the flying kipper.

James: you mean come back from his dead fish express.

Henry: well if you put it that way james.

Edward: let's hope he shows up sooner than later.

James: I only saw him last night at brendom when I rush of and some fish flown on him.

(Sir topham hatts car is heard)

Carmen: shh Here he comes.

(Sir topham hatt pulls over)

(Then comes out and walks next to the sheds)

Sir Richard topham hatt: Hello my fellow engines, today our new diesel is here, now please say hello to diesel 10.

(Diesel 10s horn is heard)

Edward: uh-oh

Henry:I have a bad feeling about this.

Sir Richard topham hatt: Now Diesel 10 you better behave yourself, you'll be staying for a little while so you'll start by helping diesel arry and bert with shunting today.

Diesel 10: yes sir, and hello my fellow steamies.

Percy: uhh hello diesel 10.

( Gordon finally shows up)

Diesel 10:well well well if it ain't the famous three engines, Henry,Edward,and Gordon.

Gordon: Diesel 10,how nice to see you again.

Henry: You look ,the same.

( then diesel 10 looks at thomas and carmen)

Diesel 10: and finally the two engines that I was hoping to see again, Thomas and Carmen.

Thomas: uhh hello?

Carmen: nice to meet you diesel 10.

Sir Richard topham hatt: alright now that you've meet diesel 10 it will be best if you all go start your jobs for today.

James: Yes sir.

Sir Richard topham hatt: And Diesel 10 don't cause any trouble around here.

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