Chapter 29: The Duke Awakens

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The early morning sun appeared on the horizon as its light dazzled the greenery and the surroundings all around.

It was a bright new day.

At the Duke of Kargaz estate.

Inside the white secret room, streaks of sunlight peeked through the large windows as they lightened up the quiet and still room.

Duke Calex, who was lying asleep, slowly regained his consciousness as he blinked his eyes open.

It was a new day.

And just like every other new day after the acting up of his condition, Duke Calex didn't feel like himself. He was weak without any ounce of swordsman aura. This was the after-effect of his condition. He always had to rest for three days upon waking up from unconsciousness.

But what he was thinking right now was the reason behind his early waking from his coma. Although the difference was only a few hours earlier than his usual waking time, for Duke Calex, whose life was riddled with threats and enemies around, the few hours was already a good relief that might even give him a chance to save himself from the unforeseen danger that he might encounter in the future.

For Duke Calex knew that as long as his condition remained, his life would always encounter surprises. And just like the night when his condition acted up.

Such a surprise took Duke Calex unprepared.

He never knew that the formidable Mistress of the Blue Ray Wizard Tower would be the one to lend him a hand during that critical time. Just thinking about what could have happened to him if left alone and unconscious in the middle of the forsaken and unpredictable Greya Forest, Duke Calex could not even further think about the consequences.

And now, he needed to figure out why the Mistress helped him and what could be her motives. Thinking about this, Duke Calex was about to reach out for the bell on the nightstand when his still slightly blurry eyes caught an unusual sight.

There was someone else inside the room.

Under the soft glow of the early morning sun, a lady was leaning against the sofa across the bed with a furry blanket covering her entire frame, leaving only her charming face out in the open. With the sunlight to highlight her outstanding features, her face was glowing as it appeared more delicate and beautiful, a dreamy portrait of a sleeping lady that could capture everyone's attention without a doubt.

Looking at the peacefully sleeping lady just across her, Duke Calex's eyes seemed to brighten and flickered as he stared at her for quite some time.

Duchess Atallie, who was asleep on the couch, upon sensing someone's fervent gaze directed at her, was suddenly alerted as it was her body's natural reaction, thus waking her up from her sleep.

Abruptly, Atallie opened her eyes without even moving. Yet her amber eyes automatically darted towards the bed where the fervent gaze was coming from. And there she saw the duke looking at her with his black obsidian eyes flickering with a different glint on them. Upon realizing where was the gaze was coming from and who was it from, Atallie quickly snapped back as she slowly got up from the couch.

Atallie gathered the furry blanket and finally stood. "Good morning, duke. How are you feeling now?" she greeted and asked. Her voice was even softer and colder upon waking up than her usual tone. But there was a certain gentleness and delicateness from it that could bring about a pleasant tune.

As for the duke who remained intensely staring at the duchess in a daze, Atallie's voice was like a waking tune, snapping him back to reality.

After blinking away his dreamy state, Duke Calex regained his rationality as he finally spoke with a low and raspy voice, "You're here?" he asked.

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