Crossed the Ocean

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hers' p.o.v-


at times where life seem to bring me down and I didn't know what exactly to do. I fall millions of times and plead to whoever up there will ever listen to me. Then, one night occurs, a single voice whispering to me, assuring me that all be fine and I don't have to worry a thing.

I believe that. And still. It's something that gives me courage, lift me up when I am vulnerable. Cheers me up when I am sad, and messed up. I trust that voice. my own inner voice.

Regaining strength with all the failures and downfalls in my life, it's hell. a one that misery in ever ends, nor I can save myself from it. but I am blessed with that voice of mine that tells me it's okay to feel it's okay to cry and make a dozen mistakes every time. because from it I can learn and be a much better person.

yesterday, was a fatal mistake, a promise that I told myself that I am not gonna do it again. but me, being me, I did it. I regret it but what am I supposed to do. I can't turn the clock to yesterday. I can't.

but again, I keep reminding myself that, that's not the biggest mistake I made. the biggest mistake I can ever make is that realizing it and don't make a change to it. I can't change yesterday, nor today or even tomorrow that I dont know what will surprise me. but what I know for sure is that, if I realized now, I can make a better choice now!

I have crossed the oceans it's deep dark and I almost drown in there believing that I will always be a failure to me and to anyone around me. but I passed it, I swim back to the surface searching for air that will give me an air to breathe.

it's not always easy. no! but I chose to change that and changing is never easy. it will never be easy. but from what I know, if don't do it, I will never get up from my seat.


Never gives up for what it's worth!




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