Chapter 2

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~~Kions P.O.V~~

(This is before Kiara, Tiffu, and Zuri got chased into the outlands.)

Kion rolled his eyes, as his older brother was annoying him, his older sister, Vitani, was smirking, as she chuckled at her younger brother, Kion, seeing him getting annoyed.

"Okay, Kovu, I think you've annoyed your brother enough now!" Vitani said, as she stopped Kovu, as Kion sighed a sigh of relief, as his ears twitched, when he heard a too familiar laugh.

"Janja!?" Kion yelled, as he went running, Kovu, and Vitani looking at each other for a second, then went running after their younger brother.

After literally, a minute of running, Kion lepped over a rock, seeing three lionesses, surrounded, by Janaj and his clan.

He landed on Janja, and started fighting, dirt and dust going everywhere.

About 5 minutes later, the fight was finished. Kion pressed down onto Janja, as he whimpered.

"What are you doing in my side of the Outlands Janja!?" Kion shouted, as he barred his teeth.

"Killing the Princess of the Pridelands." Janja shouted, as he showed fear in his eyes.

Kion looked behind him, seeing three lionesses, as they looked terrified, they were defintally older then he was.

He then turned back to Janja, growling, getting off of him. He growled.

"Get. Out!?" Kion yelled, as Janja and his clan whimpered, running off towards their territory.

Kion took a deep breath and turned around, he saw his siblings coming up from a rock. Kovu, and Vitani stood next to Kion, as the three lionesses looked confused.

"Your a bit turned around aren't you?" Kion said, in a bit of a joking manner.

"You okay?" Kovu asked, as the lionesses turned to him.

"Uhm, yeah we are good! But, which was home?" Zuri asked, as they nodded their head, Kion, Kovu, and Vitani all sharing the same look.

"We can help you back to flat ridge rock." Kovu suggested, as Vitani nodded, same as Kion.

"If that won't be an problem with you guys." Kiara said, as Vitani smiled, same as Kovu, as they all started to walk away, but Kion stayed put.

"Come on little bro!" Kovu shouted, as Kion groaned and ran to his sisters and brothers side.

"Why do I have to go!" Kion moaned.

"Because, you know the outlands better then us, and I cant leave you by your self!" Vitani explained, as Kion sighed and took the lead.

Kion looked up at the skye, and stopped, looking around, and switching courses.

His older siblings following without question, but Kiara, Zuri and Tiffu stopped in confusion, Kiara looking at the way where they were originally going and then back at where Kion were going.

"Hey, why did we switch courses?" Kiara asked, when the three lionesses ran to catch up with the three strange lions.

"Only an idiot would be that stupid to find their way through the outlands in the dark." Kion said, as they came upto a elephants graveyard.

"Uhm, why are we in a elephants graveyard?" Zuri asked, as Kion stopped, his siblings going a little further and sitting down.

"No other animal goes here. Its safer." Kion said, as he sat down, next to his siblings.

"Now, get some rest." He said, as he lied down, Zuri, Tiffu, and Kiara all lying down and soon falling a sleep.

Kions Life In The OutlandsWhere stories live. Discover now