Chapter 5.

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"Kion!" Kion heard his sister, Vitani shout for him, as her and Kovu was sniffing round some bushes, but once Vitani and Kovu saw him, Vitani looked abit relieved and angry, as her and Kovu ran over.

"Kion! Don't run of like that again!" Vitani yelled, stopping infront of him, Kovu doing the same.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not a baby no more!" Kion shouted.

"You may not be a baby no more, but that doesn't mean I can't take the role of a big sister, and protect you. We do not know the dangers just yet, and you would think you off all people would know that." Vitani said.

"Yeah, I already know the dangers! Whenever I sneaked away in the Outlands, I would always spectate the PrideLands, without being noticed. So, I know some dangers already, thanks." Kion said, while rolling his eyes.

"Kion! What if King Simba would of caught you? Or, one of the royal guards!" Vitani shouted, but by now, some animals had already scattered away form the shouting.

"Well, he didn't, did he? And, so what if he did! I ain't scared of him." Kion said.

"Uhm, maybe you guys should calm down..." Kovu said, standing infront of them, Kion glaring at him.

"Stay out of this, Kovu." Vitani said, "Kion, I am you're older sister, listen to--! Don't turn you're back on me, Kion!"

Vitani groaned, as she sighed, when she looked up seeing Kion walking away, slouched over, him bringing his head up, carried on walking.

"Maybe, you shouldn't go to hard on him..." Kovu said softly to his older sister.

Kion got upto Priderock on the rock stairs, till Vitani and Kovu ran after him.

"Kion, listen to me!" Vitani shout.

"So, you can just shout at me? No thanks!" Kion shouted, walking up the rock stairs.

"No, I just wanna talk!" Vitani shouted, but Kion was already walking into the den, but as he entered, he found Kiara, in the corner with her two best friends, and King Simba on the other side, talking to one of the royal guards.

"Kion!" Kion's ears twitched, as he sighed in annoyance at his sister contantly breathing down his neck. He just shook his head and went off into the furthest corner and sat down, lying down as he did, curled up into a little ball.

"Hey Kion." Kiara had said to him, as he walked past, but he had just grumbled and carried on walking, confusing her.

"Sorry about him, Princess Kiara. He's just in abit of a mood." Vitani apoligised.

"No, it's alright, Vitani. But please, call me Kiara! We're all friends now." Kiara said, Kovu walking over to Kion and nuzzleing him.

"How come she never leaves me be?" Kion asked softly, as Kovu sighed.

"Because, Kion... she's worried. She just wants to protect you." Kovu said.

"But, protect me from what? I don't need protecting... I can protect myself, and one day I'll prove that I can and indeed protect myself." Kion said, before resting his head on Kovu's chest and going to sleep, Kovu lying with his head on Kion's head, staying awake to keep an eye on him.

Kovu had woken up around half an hour ago, he was talking with Vitani.

"Why don't he understand that I am just trying to protect him..." Vitani said softly, looking to his younger sister.

"Vitani, I don't think you understand." Kovu said, "Sure, Kion's a hard headin lion, but he is brave and tough! He can handle himself, but maybe giving him abit more freedom will do him good?"

"More freedom!? He had enough of that in the Outlands!" Vitani whispered shouted.

"Yeah, but he also had to sneak away for more of that freedom. Why don't you see why he kept it so secret? I was there with him half the time. He knows how to look after himself, that is how I found out he knows the dangers. He is constantly worried about us, Vitani! In a fight, he worrys." Kovu said, making Vitani look down.

"But, he really does need to understand... I need to protect him! Him and you is all I have!" Vitani said.

"But, you don't need to protect him all of the time!?" Kovu shouted, making some lions look to him, as he saw Vitani lookin shocked, her head dropped down slightly, Kovu sighing and moving to her side, resting a paw on her shoulder.

"Look... just give him a day of more freedom he could ever imagin! He would be greatful." Kovu said, before moving to Kion's side, when he moved slightly in his sleep.

"Dinner!" They all jumped and snarled at the loud voice, but only noticed it was King Simba, as Kion had jumped awake Kovu didn't need to wake him. He was growling, with his ears back.

"Relax Kion, just food." Kiara said, smiling while walking past.

"Food?" Kion questioned, before sniffing the air and licking his lips, as did Kovu and Vitani, Kion standing up as they all walked to the centre of the den, finding a few cubs chewing on a baby zebra, and an massive zebra and gazzel infront of them, with some pride members biting at it.

"Go on. Eat." Nala said softly, Kion looking upto her, as Vitani and Kovu took a bit and instantly licked there lips and had more, Kion backing up, an old habit off him. Letting his Siblings eat first.

"Kion?" Kiara questioned walking upto his side, "Aren't you gonna eat?"

King Simba perched up at hearing this, as did Nala who was abit closer to him.

"No. Gotta let siblings eat first." Kion said, sitting down.

"Kion, we have enough. It's alright to eat, you know?" Kiara asked, Kion shaking his head jumping up when one of the little cubs rolled away from the meat over to him, crashing into him. Kion looking down to the little cub then to the meat he was chewing on, finding the area where two other lion cubs more likely pushed him away.

Kion moved over to the meat with thhe little cub by his paws, him pushing it towards him, Kion putting a paw between two lion cubs by the baby zebra meat and moved them aside, letting the little cub get something to eat, Kion then moving outside of the den and sat down, admiring the view of the heads.

"You really care for your siblings?" King Simba said, sitting beside Kion.

"Mhm. There all I have, I can't loose them." Kion said.

"Mm. Nice view, eh?" King Simba asked.

"Yes. Nice indeed, surely beats the outlands for sure." Kion said, looking over towards the Outlands.

"How did you grow up in the Outlands? Like, your siblings look really diffrent to you. There fur's darker, yours lighter." King Simba asked, saying whats on his mind.

"Dont know, really. Just, when I was a little infant, a few months old, my parents abondened me... left me to defend for my own. I don't really remember them, but one day I heard a shout, I followed it, seeing Vitani and Kovu young, play fighting, then really we all explained our stories. Turn's our, they we're also abondened." Kion explained.

"Hm. You sure do look diffrent. More like a King." Simba said, smiling slightly while looking to Kion, who stood tall, with the wind brushing his fur.

"Yeah, well I'm no King." Kion said.

"Whatever you say. Also, it is okay to eat, you know?" King Simba said, "It isn't posin."

"I know, it's not. But, I have to let Vitani and Kovu eat first, if not they starve." Kion said.

"Well, not here. We have enough for everyone. But, if you really feel that way, then okay, but I think you are picking up habits form the Outlands, but we aren't like them." King Simba said, Kion's gaze not lifting one bit from the Outlands.

"Now, you should get some rest." King Simba said, standing up, "Have a feeling you'll be exploring tommorow."

King Simba walked into the den, leaving Kion sighing, before he stood up and followd.

'It's going to be a long day tommorow.'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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