Chapter 3

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In the morning, Kion slowly opened his eyes, as he yawned, and stood up.

He quietly made his way over to a rock, looking around for any signs of food, for everyone else.

About 10 minutes later, Kion made his way back to his siblings and three lionesses, with two lizards, just enough for his siblings and the 3 lionesses.

He made his to the graveyard, seeing everyone else starting to wake up.

"Here." Kion said, breaking the lizard into three for the lionesses, and the other one into two for his siblings, who looked skeptically.

"Eat." Kion demanded, as his siblings eat, without really an option.

"Arent you going to eat?" Asked Kiara, as Kion turned around, sat down, and chuckled.

"I've already eat this week." Kion said, as Kiara bit the lizard, then her head went up again, but this time in confusion.

"What do you mean 'I've already eat this week'?" Zuri asked, as they all looked at him.

"If you like in the Pridelands, their isn't a lot of food, I barely hunt enough to feed them over their!" Kion said, motioning towards his siblings.

The three lionesses all slowly nodded, as they all finished eating.

About 15 minutes ago, Kion, Kovu, Vitani, Kiara, Zuri, and Tiffu, all started walking to the Pridelands again.

Kion in lead, brought his head up, looked back to the Pridelanders.

"We will be there in 30 minutes!" He shouted back to them, Kovu, and Vitani looked up at him.
______Time Skip______

30 minutes later, they all made it to a cliff, which wasn't to steep.

"Just climb up here, and you'll be at Flat Ridge Rock." Kion said, as they nodded, but Kiara stopped infront of Kion.

"Why don't you come with us? To meet my dad, and mom! They would want to meet you for helping and saving her! Plus, my mom adorable cubs." Kiara said, Zuri, and Tiffu nodding along.

"Yeah!" Zuri and Tiffu yelled at the same time.

Kovu, and Vitani looking at Kion, with a not so sure look, same as Kion.

"Uhm, I-i don't know..." Kion mumbled, as he looked at his siblings, as they all came back, looked at the lionesses, who had puppy dog eyes, but in their case puppy lion eyes.

"Uhm, I don't see why not!" Kion heard, as his sister, Vitani came forward smiling.

"Ugh!" Kion groaned, as he finally smiled a bit, then agreed, so not here they are, climbing up a quite steep cliff. Zuri and Tiffu were sturggerling a bit, but they got there.

Once, they all got to the top, they started walking across the PrideLands towards Pride rock.

"Woah... this sure does beat the outlands!" Kovu said.

"Defintally!" Kion agreed. They all carried on walking.

Kiara and Kion in the lead.

"Hey, we never got your guys names?" Kiara asked, in which Kion looked up, then at his siblings, who was smiling.

"Well, I'm Kion. Those are my siblings, Kovu, and Vitani!" Kion introduced then all, as Kiara smiled.

"Well, then I'm Kiara, those are my best friends, Tiffu and Zuri!" Kiara introduced herself and her best friends.

"Well then, its nice to meet you!" Kion said.

"You too! Also whatre you going to do when I become queen? Bow down!" Kiara joked, as Kion chuckled.

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