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Omniscient September 14th, 1970

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September 14th, 1970.
Charlotte, North Carolina

Kimberly Ann Tanner, A 20 year old florist, and Charlton Bernard Hendrix, A 22 Year old Troop in the army, Stood in their brand new 2- Story home as the evening sun glowed on their melanin skin.

The newly wedded couple recently bought a house in Charlotte, North Carolina after getting married to welcome their first child to her home. You

Their daughter was born on June 10th, 1970 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She was a blessing to the couple, they both dreamed of her ever since they first laid eyes on eachother , they knew she was an angel from above.

"She's beautiful, babe." Kimberly mutters as she sat in a rocking chair, holding the precious bundle of joy in her arms as tear cascades down her cheek.

The adorable gift from god was the most beautiful baby they have ever seen, from her small button nose, the chubbiness in her cheeks, her small adorable forehead she gained from her mother, to her pretty big brown eyes, her deep caramel skin, and her thick curly ginger hair.

"She is Kimberly, and she looks just like you." Charlton chuckles as he hovers over Kimberly and their baby, placing a kiss in his wife's cheek, and a gentle kiss on his daughter's cheek.

"I can't believe we haven't found a name for her yet. We've been calling her Babygirl for the past three months, babe." Kimberly says as she shakes her head, with a smirk on her face as she continued to watch her Babygirl stare around, with her little fingers in her mouth as she made playful cooing sounds and giggles.

"I know Kim, it's just so complicated, I don't want her name to be like everyone else's names, we need to think outside of the box." Charlton says as he stood up straight and walked to the kitchen as he heard the microwave go off, meaning the babies warm milk was prepared for her.

We grabbed the bottle out of the microwave, closing the door behind him, he walked over to the sink as he squeezed out a little bit of milk into the back of his hands, checking to see if the milk was just right for his child, once he did, he walked back to the kitchen and handed the bottle to his wife.

"What about chariote? You know I've always liked that name." Kimberly says as she gently places the bottle into the babies mouth, on of the babies small hands grasped onto the bottle as the other reaches to her eyes, covering them.

"She's getting sleepy, she's covering her eyes." Kimberly states as she stood up from the rocking chair with the help of her husband as the walked up the stairs carefully and made there way to the babies nursery room.

They walked up to her cradle and gently placed her down into it as Kimberly removed the bottle. Watching the baby slowly close her eyes, and drift off into slumber.

"How about we just name her grace, the middle name we gave her, and she just won't have a middle name?" Charlton suggested as he stood behind his wife and wrapped his arms around her waist, placing his hands onto her stomach, that she was insecure about due her pregnancy.

"No babe, you know I want her name to start with a C, like yours." Kimberly whined as she leaned her head back onto his shoulder, placing her petite hands over his large ones.

"Well... it's whatever you want babe, I support it one-hundred percent." Charlton says as he rest his chin on top of Kimberly's head as he drifts off deep into his thoughts.

"What about Charlie... Charlie grace Hendrix." Kimberly suggested as her eyes lit up, turning around to face her husband as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Charlie? After my dad?" Charlton asked as he looked down at his wife, towering over her 5 foot frame.

Charlton's father, Charles Bartholomew Hendrix Sr., passed away in a car accident when the couple found out that Kimberly was pregnancy. Charlton's parents were young and newly wedded as well, so he knew they'd be happy for them, well at least happy that Charlton and Kimberly weren't 18 and freshly out of high school becoming parents.

"Yeah, your dad was always bugging you about naming one of your kids after you or him, so... why not?" Kimberly says as she turns back around and stares down in awe at her child sleeping peacefully in her cradle.

"Then we have it. Charlie Grace Hendrix." Charlton says as he watched his wife pick up Charlie and hold her into his arms, close to we're Charlie could feel her mothers heartbeat.

"My Charlie Angel."

*✰𝖥𝖮𝖱𝖤𝖵𝖤𝖱 𝖬𝖸 𝖫𝖠𝖣𝖸| 𝖣.𝖲𝗐𝗂𝗇𝗀Where stories live. Discover now