3.) 𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛 𝚅𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑

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Charlie Hendrix
September 21, 1987
7:35 am.

" I can not believe momma's dip headass has us riding this nasty bus with all of these nasty ass kids!" Cheyenne cursed with anger and disgust as she fanned herself, huffing and puffing as we stood at the bus stop, along with some other set of children.

It was our first day at school at 'Summer Ville High' , A school Our father suggested we'd go to, he said that Chariote and Kool attended that school, made good grades, had good staff, and good opportunities for many students.

"Can you please not talk about our mother like that?  " I rolled my eyes as I continued to flip through the
Pages of my 'black girl lost' book, written by the author Donald Goines , that I purchased at Charlotte's local library.

"No! I don't see why daddy couldn't take us to school, he takes Chariote, Kool, and weird ass Denise to school every damn day! Why not us?! His biological kids?!" Cheyenne ranted, throwing her hands up as she let them fall and slap against her fair warm shade thighs, but not so loud due to how big the navy blue Lacoste jacket, she had on, fitted her. I could tell it wasn't hers, Cheyenne isn't a big fan of baggy clothes, she claims 'they make
Her feel loose, naked, and exposed.'

She had on a white Tommy Hilfiger t-shirt on under the oversized jacket, Levi denim blue jean skirt that stopped a little above her knees, white Tommy Hilfiger sneakers, with red long socks that were slouched. She had her hair scalp braided back into a middle ponytail.

I had on a black long sleeve turtle neck, baggy Levi blue jeans, and black combat boots. My
Hair was styled in a high curly pineapple puff ball, loosely with a black headband since my hair was too thick for a regular hair tie. I had a floral print silk head scarf tied around my head for an accessory since my hair wasn't fully tied.

I put on my small gold hoop earrings, rings on my right middle and wedding fingers, and rings on my left index, wedding, and pinky fingers. I had on some sweet fragrance, and I moisturized my lips with strawberry flavored Burt's Bees Lip balm, I put on my glasses since I was going to be at school and I most likely would be reading today.

"Because, momma said daddy had something to do this morning, so Kool and Chariote are riding their bus as well. Now can you please stop complaining Cheyenne? It is too early."i muttered in a annoyed  tone, sighing heavily and continuing to read my

I didn't have time for Cheyenne's whining and complaining, she doesn't even know what's going on with a situation and always think she does, always jumping to conclusions and judging.

"If you want something to complain about, complain about that big jacket you have on and it's almost one hundred degrees out here." I say smartly, slightly closing my book on my thumb, and looking over at her pouty face.

She looks over at me slowly, with a mean mug on her face. She looks me up and down before responding.

" 'Cause I can. You don't see me questioning you about that stupid ass book your reading. I bet you only watch the news and the discovery channel." Cheyenne spat with venom, rolling her eyes before looking down the road, at the yellow school bus that arrived in front of us.

'So what if I do? It is none of your business.' I thought to myself as i and the other children awaiting for the bus, boarded onto it. I hugged my books tightly close to my chest as I walked slowly down the aisle as eyes laid on me and the other students. I felt Cheyenne shove me, forcing me to go down the aisle.

*✰𝖥𝖮𝖱𝖤𝖵𝖤𝖱 𝖬𝖸 𝖫𝖠𝖣𝖸| 𝖣.𝖲𝗐𝗂𝗇𝗀Where stories live. Discover now