02.) 𝙿𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚊 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔

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June 29, 1980
Charlotte, North Carolina.

"But daddy, I don't want to go to the park, it's too hot, and we've been in church for hours. I just want to go to sleep," 10 year old Charlie whine and complained to her father as he scanned through her dresser drawers for some play clothes she could wear.

"Well your not going along bubbles, you, Junior, Chary, and Chey  can meet some of the kids from the church. It'll be fun." Charlton reassured his daughter, turning around to look at her.

"Dad..." Charlie whined as she Dramatically rolled around on her bed.

"Stop whining Charlie and put this on, we are going to this park, and you're Gonna have fun and you're gonna make new friends."Charlton interrupted Charlie's whining and complaints, handing her some clothing and some shoes.

Charlie rose up from her bed, groaning and grabbing the clothes as her father walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Charlie huffed and puffed, rolling her eyes as she  picked up the burgundy short sleeve shirt and pulled it over her golden copper  curly Afro, after she put on the shirt, she put on the denim blue Levi jean shorts her father sat out for her, following with white slouched socks and slightly dirty white converses.

After putting on her outfit, she walked out of her room, closing the door behind her and she walked down the divine white painted hall passing her brother, father, cousin's, and sister's bedroom before making her way down the stairs.

Once Charlie made her way down the stairs, she saw her younger brother and sister sitting on the couch, along with her cousin Chariote, watching television

"Where's daddy?" Charlie asked looking back and forth at the other children.

"I don't know." They said, shrugging their shoulders as their eyes stayed glued to the television, which was playing the hit television show 'Good Times'.

Charlie then heard the sound of keys jingling, and shoes clacking against the mahogany wooden floors, she looks in that direction and she sees her father walking down the stairs.

He was dressed in a white plain short sleeve T-Shirt, Tucked into his black denim jeans, and black Stacy Adams shoes.

"You guys ready?" Charlton asked giving the children a smile revealing his pearly white teeth.

"Yes." The children all replied simultaneously.

The family of 5 gathered and walked out of their home and walked to Charlton's black 1979 Plymouth Cuda, C.J sat in the front passenger seat while the girls sat in the back.

It took about 3 minutes for the Hendrix family to arrive at the neighborhood park. Charlton let the children free as he sat in his car, reading an old newspaper, listening to the music playing on his radio.

C.J, Cheyenne, and Chariote all eased to the swing set, leaving Charlie by herself, as she was about to join them, she feels a ball hit her back. She jerks and groans in pain as she turns around and looks down at the red kick ball.

She hears footsteps coming close to her and she sees a park of hands pick up the bell, she looks up and makes eye contact with a little boy.

*✰𝖥𝖮𝖱𝖤𝖵𝖤𝖱 𝖬𝖸 𝖫𝖠𝖣𝖸| 𝖣.𝖲𝗐𝗂𝗇𝗀Where stories live. Discover now