Chapter 12:

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(Disclaimers: The images and media do not belong to me, and more importantly the story &characters are owned by the wonderful:chiffon_cake)

" this indicates someone is talking"
' this indicates someone's thoughts'
"This indicates someone talking on
the other line of the phone"


I woke up to someone lightly knocking on my door.

"Ming? It's Mae, wake up and come for breakfast" P'Jimmy's mom called out.

"Khap Mae" I answered back.

I stretched my body and slowly got up from bed. I rubbed my eyes slightly and slowly made my way out the door  and towards the dining area.

"Good morning P' " N'Shin greeted.

"Good morning nong, Por and Mae" I greeted.

"Good morning. Let's start eating while the food's still hot" Por said.

We then started eating the homemade meal that Mae prepared for us.

"I miss this Mae" I said.

"Well eat up. You won't be going home 'til tomorrow" Mae said.

"What do you mean Mae" I asked.

"It rained harder last night P', most of the main roads are close because of the rain. It will be afternoon or night that the roads will be cleared. Best to go home tomorrow" Shin answered.

"Guess I'll be missing classes huh?" I asked.

"Well just for today. Plus we missed spending time with you. It's my brother's birthday, you can help us prepare for today's party" Por stated.

"I'll be happy to help out Por" I replied.

Suddenly Ai'Todd was calling my phone. I stood up and excused myself from the table.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Ai' Ming, where are you? Class will start soon" Todd asked.

"About that, I can't make it to uni today. I'm in Chanthaburi right now and the roads are closed off because of the rain last night" I replied.

"What the hell are you doing there? Is that the because of the girl you were gushing over the last time" he teased.

"No girl. I drove N'Shin home since it was raining hard"I answered.

"N'Shin? You mean P'Jimmy's brother?" he asked.

"Yes him. I won't be back until just before the event begins. I will be okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow" I said, before we finally hung up.

I put my phone in my pocket and made my way back to the table.

"Sorry about that, my friend's are always worried about me"I apologized as I sat myself back down the table.

"It's fine. Go on and finish your breakfast. You and Shin have to help me get stuff in the marketplace" Mae said.

"Khap Mae. What did you need help with Por?I mean for Uncle's birthday party later" I asked.

"Just to grill some food and set up for the party. It's the usual people you know" Por answered.

"Leave it to me,Por. What time are going Mae?" I asked.

"You guys get ready,I'm just going to clean up here before we go" Mae replied.

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