Chapter 15:

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(Disclaimers: The images and media not belong to me, and more importantly the story &characters are owned by the wonderful:chiffon_cake)

" this indicates someone is talking"
' this indicates someone's thoughts'
"This indicates someone talking on the other line of the phone"


"Pa? What are you doing here? I told P'Chai I'll be coming home tomorrow"I said.

He took out his phone and showed the content to me.

"What is this? Is this true?" he asked angrily.

I looked at it closely and my eyes widen.

"Well? I am waiting for an answer Phana" dad pressed on.

"He's.. We dated before. We already broke up" I confessed.

His face showed an expression of both anger and disappointment.

"Good! Because that is totally unacceptable. You're a Kongthanin for crying out loud, act like it. Don't embarrass me and your family" he started.

I could barely get a word in, this man although I have grown taller than him still scared the living daylights out of me.

"Finish your event tonight,you are coming home straight after. I'm not taking no for answer. Am I clear,Phana?"he said.

"Yes,sir" was all I could muster.

"Go eat, Mae and Chai are here as well. We'll be watching your even tonight" he said as he pat my shoulders before making his way out.

I breathe deeply, it felt like the oxygen was sucked out from my entire body.
I went back to the cafeteria and plopped down across from Forth and Beam.

"We thought you were leaving to find N'Ming" Forth said.

Kit was on time and just came back from walking P'Kin from the lab.

"I was. My dad came here" I said.

"What?Why would he come here?" Kit asked.

"He found out..about me and Yo" I answered.

"How? We never told a soul" Kit said.

"I have a feeling Wayo sent those pictures to my dad" I replied, to which Beam slammed the table with his hands.

"That little bitch! I'm gonna skin him alive" Beam yelled.

"Calm down,babe" Forth said as he wrapped his arms around his lover.

"What did your dad say?" Kit asked.

"That I should act like a Kongthanin and not to embarrass our family" I answered.

"Your dad is such an asshole. Don't listen to him, you're an amazing person Ai'Pha" Forth said.

"So what's your plan?" Beam asked.

"I don't know. Ugh! I feel drained" I said as I laid my head down again in defeat.

"You wanna hit the bar after the event?" Kit asked.

"I can't. They're gonna watch the event later and they're making me go home with them after" I replied.

"What the?! They gonna cage you in after? Ai'Pha, that's not right" Beam yelled.

"Ai'Beam,keep it down. The last thing I want is for people to know my business. It's worse enough as it is" I said.

"You sound defeated. Tell me Ai'Pha, are your feelings for Ming that shallow?" Forth asked.

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