Chapter 13:

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(Disclaimers: The images and media not belong to me, and more importantly the story &characters are owned by the wonderful:chiffon_cake)

" this indicates someone is talking"
' this indicates someone's thoughts'
"This indicates someone talking on the other line of the phone"

*3rd person POV*

Earlier that day, Pha and the gang had just finished their classes. Through Beam's persistence,they ended up going to the Engineering faculty for lunch. Once they got there, Beam was all over Forth as usual. Phana was looking around,making Kit grin.

"What?Why are you looking at me like that?" Pha asked.

"If you're looking for Ming,why don't you just ask if he's here or not" Kit answered.

"I-I wasn't looking for him" Pha said.

"Sure you weren't. Look aren't those his friends?" Kit pointed out to 2 guys coming our way.

"Ai'Kit, don't bother other pe-" Pha said but Beam cut him off.

"Nooooongs! You're N'Ming's friend,right?" Beam asked,calling them over.

"P'Beam, sawadee" the two greeted with a wai, to which Beam wai'd back.

"You are N'Ming's friend,right?" Beam pressed on.

"Yes,P'. But if you're looking for him,he's stuck in Chanthaburi. He said he won't be back until tomorrow" Jun answered .

"Eh? Isn't the event tomorrow already?" Kit turned to Pha.

"Yeah. It is. But he said he'll be back before that" Pha answered.

"How the heck did he end up in Chanthaburi anyway?" Beam asked.

"Oh, he had to drop off N'Shin" Jun answered.

"Oh Jimmy's younger brother. I did bump into them last night" Forth confirmed.

"That's so suspicious though, it's weird that N'Ming keeps bumping into him. Maybe Shin's in love with Ming " Todd said, earning a smack in the head from Jun. Pha's gang immediately turned to Pha to see his reaction.

 Pha's gang immediately turned to Pha to see his reaction

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"Ai' Todd, stop sprouting nonsense. Ming only sees that kid as his ex's brother nothing else" Jun said.

"I'm not worried about Ming, it's that younger guy,I'm worried about" Todd said.

"You're so far off. Shin just looks up to Ming, I should know. So nobody should be worried" Forth said,eyeing Pha.

Pha raised his head and tried to force out a smile.

"Well anyway, do you need us for anything else P'? We have to go for break" Todd asked.

"No. That will be all. See you at SOTUS later" Forth replied.

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