Bonus Chap: KinxKit

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(Disclaimers: The images and media not belong to me, and more importantly the story &characters are owned by the wonderful:chiffon_cake)

" this indicates someone is talking"
' this indicates someone's thoughts'
"This indicates someone talking on the other line of the phone"


I think I am just so unlucky when it comes to love. I thought that junior from Economics liked me but turns out she likes a lot of people,not just me. Then this girl ask me out and it turns out she did it just because of a dare. I can't believe I got fooled. Beam has a lover, Pha will soon get one as well once him and N'Ming generate some brain cells and realize that they like each other.

Tonight we went to the bar and thanks to Pha for bringing Ming along , I am now the 5th wheel. As if it wasn't that bad enough I was 3rd wheeling with Beam and Forth.

Suddenly a waitress came by and dropped off a drink and put in front of Ming,to which totally caught him by surprise.

"Umm. Excuse me?I didn't order another round"Ming said.

"Au. It's from that gentleman over there. Please enjoy your drink"she said as she left our table.

I had to stop my jaw from dropping, this guy looked good

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I had to stop my jaw from dropping, this guy looked good.

'What the hell,Kit?! Did you just think this guy is handsome? You're straight!' I thought to myself.

He smiled widely and raised his glass at Ming to which Ming just nodded to acknowledge him. Once he did, the guy comes towards our table.

"Hi!"he greeted.

"Hello?" I responded, looking at the guy.

"I'm Kin"he introduced himself.

'Kit ..Kin sounds almost the same' I thought to myself.

"I'm Beam,this is my bf Forth. This grumpy person is Kit. That over there is Pha and Ming"Beam introduced all of us.

"Nice to meet you all, especially you N'Ming. I hope you didn't mind me buying you a drink"he said,flirtily.

"Umm.. I'm flattered P'Kin. But I don't think P'Pha would like it"Ming replied.

"Is he your lover?"Kin asked.

"Yes he is,P' "Ming said as he turmed to look at Pha.

"Yes, I am sorry but he's mine" Ph,said as he held Ming's hand,trying to make it look convincing.

"Oh dear. My apologies, I didn't know you were together. I will take my leave then. As an apology the next round of drinks are on me"he said as he turned to go back to the bar.

And of course, he is attracted to N'Ming. Kinda sad,but found it funny when Pha tried to pretend to be Ming's lover just to ward him off.

'Why don't you buy me a drink instead' I thought but had to stop myself.

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