9~Late Night Shenanigans

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"Bucky you really shouldn't be here," you quietly giggle as Bucky kisses your neck. He peeks around your room before kissing your neck again. "It's fine," he says.

The two of you have been sneaking around for about two weeks now. It's a Friday night, so Bucky decided to sneak through your window and lay in bed with you.

"What if my mom comes in?" You ask. Bucky raises an eyebrow at you. "It's dark out. She's probably in bed with a Diet Coke watching a John Wayne movie," he says.

"At least take your boots off and shut the window," you say. Bucky rolls his eyes, but obeys your orders. He gets off your bed and pulls his boots off. Then he walks to your window to shut it.

As he walks back over to you, he starts to unbutton his flannel while wiggling his eyebrows at you. He pulls it off his shoulders and sets it on your desk next to his hat. He pulls his grey tang top off next.

You sit up and hold your hands out for him. Bucky walks over to you and you run your hands over his chest and abs. He softly strokes the side of your face with the back of his fingers. His thumb traces over your lips before he leans down to kiss you.

He straddles your lap and you over dramatically act like he's crushing you. "I'm suffocating," you say. Bucky rolls his eyes as he gets off of you and lays down so you're laying on him.

You kiss Bucky's neck. He puts his hand up your shirt so his hand lays against the skin of your back. "Sams party is tomorrow," Bucky says.

"I know," you say. "Are you going?" Bucky nods his head. "Are you?" He asks.

"I was only gonna go of you were going so I guess so," you smile. Bucky softly chuckles as he kisses your forehead. "I have a question," you say.

"Okay," Bucky says. You prop yourself up on your elbow. "How long have you liked me?" You ask. Bucky softly traces your arm up and down with his fingertips. "The first time I liked you, we were nine. Then I stopped liking you at eleven. Then I started liking you again at fifteen. At sixteen, I started fantasizing about you," he says.

"Oh. Well, I just started liking you recently," you say. Bucky let's out a breathy laugh. "You didn't like any of us at any period of time?" Bucky asks.

"I liked Sam when I was thirteen," you say. Bucky drops his hand as he props himself up on his arm. "What?" He asks.

"When I was thirteen, I liked Sam," you say.

"You liked Sam?" Bucky asks. You nod. "That's what I said yes."

Bucky looks at you in disbelief. He lets out a scoff before turning his back to you. "Are you jealous?" You ask. Bucky stays silent.

"Oh my god Bucky. It was a crush I had that only lasted a few months when I was thirteen. That was like uh... twenty-one minus thirteen. Bigger bottom borrow... so that becomes uh one. That becomes eleven. Uh..."

"Eight," Bucky says.

"Eight years ago. A crush I had eight years ago. I don't like Sam anymore," you say. Bucky scoffs. You lean over to press a kiss to his cheek. "I like you Bucky. You. Not Sam," you say.

Bucky slightly turns his head to the side to look at you. You lean over more to kiss his lips. A smile spreads across his face. "You can't stay mad at me no matter how hard you try baby," you say.

"No, I can't," Bucky says as he kisses you. He rolls back over on his other side to face you again. He brushes the hair out of your face to look at you better. "You're beautiful," he says. You smile in response.

No other word is uttered between you two. It's just silence. Looking at one another and not saying another word in the moonlight. His eyes have always been your favorite. They make you feel at home.

Sooner or later, your eyes close and you fall asleep. Bucky falling asleep shortly after.


A rapid knocking noise on your door wakes you and Bucky up. "Y/n? Wake up!" Mae yells on the other side. Bucky looks at you with a scared expression.

"Go away mom!" You yell.

"I saw Bucky truck parked down the road. It's empty. Do you know where he is?" Mae asks.

"Uh yea. His truck broke down so he called Steve to come pick him up. Guess they're coming back today to tow his truck," you say.

"Oh okay. I guess I'll give Bucky a call and see if he needs anything," Mae says before walking away.

"I think my mom is in love with you," you say. Bucky chuckles before pulling your lips to his. "That sucks for her since I only have eyes for you," Bucky says.

"You should probably go though," you say. Bucky sighs. He kisses you once more before getting up to put his boots on. He grabs his grey tang top and puts it on. You stand up and kiss him again. "I'll distract my mom while you sneak out," you say.

"I'll see you at Sam's tonight?" Bucky asks.

"Or you could come pick me up and we could go together," you suggest. "Then maybe one of us gets to drunk and the other has to drive them back to your house."

"I like the way you think, doll," Bucky says with a smirk. "I'll pick you up around six-thirty."

"I'll see you then," you say and kiss him again.

"Bye doll," Bucky says against your lips.

"Bye Bucky," you say. Bucky kisses you one more time before opening your window and crawling out.

You walk out to the kitchen to distract your mom. "Hey mom, have you noticed how muscular Steve, Sam, and Bucky have gotten?" You ask.

"I know. It's impressive. Especially when they wear their flannels and have the sleeves rolled up," Mae says as she lets out a huff of air.

Bucky walks down the street to where is truck is. "Bucky?" He hears behind him. Turning around he sees Hunter. "Hunter," he says.

"What are you doing... you were with my sister," Hunter says.

"What? No I wasn't," Bucky says. Man he sucks at lying.

"I heard her giggling last night and I heard a man giggling," Hunter says.

"Why are you even out here Hunter?" Bucky asks.

"I was feeding the chickens this morning. Saw you walking away from our house and decided to follow you and see why you were here," Hunter says.

"Please don't mention this to anyone," Bucky begs. Hunter waves him off. "Trust me, I don't give a fuck what you're doing with my sister. I won't tell nobody," he says.

"Thank you," Bucky says. He waves goodbye to Hunter before turning around and continuing the walk to his truck.

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