14~Storms and Kisses

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To say the least, you and Bucky didn't make it to the shower. You made it to the floor of his bathroom, but didn't get in his shower. The two of you were to busy tearing each other apart. And now you lay on the cold tile of the bathroom floor with your legs interlocked.

"We still have to take a shower," you finally say. The two of you have just been staring at one another. Saying absolutely nothing. Bucky smirks at you. "Yea I should probably clean my girl up," he says.

He lets out a sigh as he stands up and takes you up with him. "C'mon doll. Let's take that shower together," Bucky says as he pokes your nose with his.

After your shower, you sit on Bucky's lap and he starts kissing your neck. "You can't give me any more hickeys," you say. He lets out a whine. "But I wanna let people know who you belong to," he says.

"But people can't know that I belong to you. No one knows about this," you say. Bucky pulls away and his face twist with sorrow. "What?" You ask as you tilt your head, knowing that's the face he makes when he has to tell you something bad.

"Hunter knows," Bucky says. You let your jaw fall open. "What?" You ask.

"I know I'm sorry. He caught me sneaking out," Bucky says. You groan as you get off his lap. He grabs your waist and forces you back on his lap. "He's gonna tell everyone," you groan.

Bucky softly kisses you. "No he won't. If he truly cares about, he won't say a word," he says. You let out another groan as you nuzzle you head against his neck. "We're screwed," you articulate.

A buzzing sound catches your attention. You glance at your phone, sitting on Bucky's coffee table. Maes name is across the top. With a loud sigh, you grab your phone and answer it.

"Y/n? Where in gods name are you?" She frantically asks.

"Jeez mom, calm down. I'm at Bucky's," you say with an eye roll. "Oh, well tell him I said hi, then get you butt back home right now!" She yells.

"Why?" You ask.

"The weather shows there's a tornado headin' our way! I need ya to make sure the animals are all put away," she says.

"Why can't Hunter do that?" You ask. Bucky's phone buzzes, he looks at it and sighs. He picks you up off his lap and goes to his room.

"Please just come home and do it. Dad isn't here and we need— I need you," she says with a cracking voice. Tears weld in your eyes and your bottom lip trembles.

"Don't pull that shit on me again," you say furiously.

"Just come home, y/n," she says. You close your eyes and let a tear slip out. "Fine," you say and hang.

You cradle your knees to your chest and put your head down. A few seconds later, two warm hands lift your face up. Bucky looks at you with a frown and furrowed eyebrows. His thumbs swipe your tears away and he kisses you.

He changed out of his sweat pants and put on jeans. He's also wearing a flannel, but it's not buttoned up, so it's exposing his chest, which you adore, because why wouldn't you.

"I have to go home," you say. "My mom needs me to make sure the animals are okay."

"Yea, Steve and Sam are on their way to help me with mine, since they don't have any," Bucky says. You wrap your arms around his neck. His hands splay out on your back.

"I like it when you wear your shirts like this," you say as you run your hands up and down his chest. "Yea? I'd like to see you wearing a shirt like this too," he says as he kisses you.

"I need to go, Bucky," you mumble against his lips. He sighs, but pulls away. "Here," he says as he stands up and walks over to grab his keys. "Take my truck, doll. I want you to get home safe," he says.

You pucker your lips and Bucky leans down to brush his lips against yours. "I love you," he says.

"I love you more," you say with a grin. Bucky smiles widely as he shakes his head. "That will never be possible," he says. "Get home safe, doll."

You smile and kiss him one more time before leaving.

When you get home, you go out and take care of the animals. After that's taken cared of, the tornado siren goes off as you walk inside the house. "Good you're here. Grab the dogs and get in the storm cellar," Mae frantically says.

"Mama calm down it's just a tornado," Hunter says as he walks out of the house and to the storm cellar with Ace in one arm and his hand is gripping Coopers collar tightly. Mae grabs Lola and follows him out.

"Candy!" You call out as you search to find her. You check every room and can't find her. "Candy!" You call again, louder this time as panic sets in.

You walk to the storm cellar and try to open it. It's locked. You try knocking, but there's no answer. "These bitches really Wizard of the Ozed me," you scoff.

The wind starts picking up and you head back into the house. You get in your closet and pull your phone. Thank god you somehow still have service. You just hope Bucky has service too. You call, there's only two rings before he answers.

"Hey doll," he practically yells.

"They locked me out of the storm cellar," you say.

"No they didn't," Bucky says in disbelief. You nod even though he can't see. "Yea they did. I dunno what to do and— Candy oh my god I found you," you say as Candy starts sniffing your foot.

"Doll, grab Candy and head back to my house. I'll wait for you," Bucky says.

"I think I'll just stay in my closet till the storm passes," you say. Bucky scoffs on the other line. "The hell you are. Get your ass over here. Right. Now," he says urgently.

"Yes sir," you say sarcastically.

"Just get over here. Sam and Steve are here and we'll wait for you," Bucky says trying to ignore what you just said.

"Okay. I'm on my way," you say.

You bend down to pick Candy up. Her fur is wet and you feel bad because she's shivering, so you grab a small quilt and wrap her in it before heading out to Bucky's truck and heading back to his house.

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