Chapter 24- Defiance

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Chapter 24- Defiance

"Ok, you have totally lost your mind!" Christine yelled while still under the bed in her 'new bedroom'. "First, you stalk me, then you cause me to have a wreck, then you kidnap me, and now you're saying that you own me!"

Erik watched her with infinite patience while she displayed her emotions. He understood now. It will take time for her to love me. But I love a challenge.. He reached out his hand under the bed and looked into her angry green eyes. "Come, love. This is silly."

Christine looked at his outstretched hand with a disbelieving expression. She then backed away until she was out from under the bed, but on the opposite side. Her head was killing her, and probably quite literally, she thought briefly. Actually, it felt like a weight was attached to her body, making it nearly impossible to stand. Nevertheless, she did get to her feet as fast as she possibly could, but immediately, a powerful wave of dizziness spread through her body and she fell again.

Before she even knew what was happening, she was being carried by a pair of strong arms. "Get away from me," she said softly, as that was all her head could stand. Christine struggled weakly and unsuccessfully. After a moment, she was placed on her bed.

Erik pat her head and ran his fingers through her hair. "Oh, Christine.. I've waited so long for this."

She flinched away from his hand. "You're sick," she whispered coldly while looking away from him. Somehow, her obvious hatred towards him wasn't affecting him at all. He really is insane.. She attempted to leave the bed again.

He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them and placing both hands on her shoulders to hold her back. "Your attempts to leave me are useless, Christine. Your defiance is meaningless." He pushed her back down onto the mattress with little effort. "You must be in pain, dear one. Please rest." A smile came to his lips. "I shall prepare a meal for you! Are you famished, darling?"

His excitement was shocking and she could only shake her head in the negative while staring at him in confusion.

"I am sure you are. You must be. I will return shortly." As if it were second nature to him, Erik lightly brushed her cheek with his hand. Then, he left the room quickly.

Christine could hear a click, meaning that he had locked the door. She could only lay unmoving, at first. Why? her mind questioned. Why thisShe sat up slowly, her body so sore that tears formed in her eyes. This wasn't the time to cry, though. I have to be brave. I have to get through this.

There were so many thoughts running through her mind. Dad.. Meg.. My car.. What do I do? The answer to that question was easy. I have to get out of here! But how? Her eyes scanned the room. There weren't windows and the door was locked. There were two other doors in the room, though. When Erik had opened them, she'd seen a bathroom and a closet. There has to be a lock on that bathroom door! Christine was hopeful, so hopeful that her pain was forgotten as she stumbled off the bed. She had to be slow about it, or else she was going to fall again.

Come on, Christine. Steady.

Although, better yet… She stood still and chewed on her bottom lip as a new plan began to form in her mind. If I stand against the wall right next to the door, then when he opens it and walks in I can make a run for it! It seemed like a better idea than the bathroom plan. He'll be holding food, probably on a tray, so that'll buy me a few seconds. I'll run down the stairs and leave through the front door. Then, I'll hide somewhere he can't find me until he finally gives up! Premature triumph was already building inside her.

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