Chapter 32- Breaking Through

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Chapter 32- Breaking Through

Christine stood in the doorway of a room and peered into darkness. Her eyes closed as she wished, yet again, that this were all just some horrible nightmare that she would wake up from within the next two minutes.

"We will share this bedroom," Erik said from behind her.

She jumped at the sound that was too close for comfort and heard him chuckle. Opening her eyes, Christine turned to glare at him. Him and that stupid candle… The glare didn't last long, though, as his words sunk in. "What?" she whispered. "No way.." A look of horror took hold of her for a few brief seconds before being replaced by the same glare as before. "No," she stated firmly.

"Yes," Erik stated back, mimicking her tone. He smirked.

Christine had had enough of this. Her hands fell loosely to her sides. "Look, Erik, don't you think this has gone on long enough? If you love me, you'll let me go-"

Erik interrupted, "Christine, I believe we have been through this time and time again. I do love you, but I cannot and will not ever let you go. Besides, my dear, where would you go? Do you intend to walk to Tallahassee?" he asked sarcastically.

She could have shot back her own sarcastic remark, but what good would it do? Both of them had played enough games. It was time to be serious. "Erik, I want to ask you something."

"Anything, my love."

"Are you happy? Is this really what you wanted? To kidnap me again without my consent?"

"My dear, this is exactly what I want. Now come. We have not finished our tour."

She shook her head desperately. "No, Erik, just listen to me, ok? I'm not finished, and you still haven't answered my question. I don't think you're happy. I think you have some twisted fantasy stuck in your head. You think I'll eventually fall in love with you and that we'll be able to live happily ever after. It's not going to happen, Erik. It can't happen like this, and I think you know that deep down."

His eyes took on a sort of wounded expression for a split second before going back to confidence. "Now now, Christine, you should know not to toy with my emotions. It always leads to failure."

"Are you happy?" She wasn't going to back down. This was important.

Erik sighed. "Yes, of course I am happy. This is everything I have ever wanted. To be here with you is enough."

"But love would help, wouldn't it? What would you do if I did love you?" By this point, Christine was talking more to herself than to Erik. A sudden idea came to mind, and the impact of it caused her eyes to widen. "Erik," she said, looking up at him. "I want you to do something for me."

Erik studied the eager look in her eyes. "What is it?" he asked skeptically.

The way he was looking at her caused the excitement she was feeling about her idea to dwindle slightly. Will this actually work?... "I want.. I want you to take off your mask."

He stared at her blankly, not having expected her words. For the first time all night, surprise had caught hold of him. "What?" he breathed.

"Take off your mask. I want to see your face."

Erik's teeth gritted. "You know not what you ask, Christine."

"But, I-"

"Silence," he commanded. He ran his fingers through his hair trying to calm down. To think that she would bring his face up at a time like this… It was outrageous! "My dear girl," he began with forced gentleness. "You have entered dangerous territory. Now, enough is enough."

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