Chapter 29- Awakening

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Chapter 29- Awakening

"Nadir, this is Gary Daae. I need to speak with you as soon as you get this. My number is.." Gary proceeded to say the police office's phone number slowly and clearly while focusing on the tone of his voice making sure to keep it under control. Then, he ended the call and let out a heavy sigh. Both of his hands reached up to rub his face. She has been gone for two days.. Two days.. She could be anywhere. She must be so scared… He couldn't take it. The thought of his daughter being kidnapped, scared, probably abused.. "Oh, God.." he breathed. Tears escaped his eyes and he buried his face in his hands.

Christine stared at the door blankly for a few seconds. First, I can't get a hold of Nadir, and now thisHer fists clenched tightly at her sides as anger slowly arose. How dare he? I leave the room for five minutes to take a shower, and he goes and turns against everything I've tried to tell him! Damn him! Her foot kicked the door hard.

Taking a shower was a stupid idea. The only reason she had taken one was because it usually had the power to calm her mind and help her think, which was exactly what she needed. But now Erik had gone and ruined everything. She kicked the door one more time, just to emphasize her frustration. I'm just as stupid as he is.. I'm stupid to have thought we were making progress, and he's stupid to have made me lose all faith in him. His insane goal of getting me to fall in love with him has been impossible from the beginning, but it's even more impossible now!

Her mind reflected on everything that had transpired throughout the day, and she couldn't help but wonder.. There had to be reason for him to lock it, right? Erik had to have heard the shower running, which obviously meant she wasn't able to leave the room. It should have reassured him to know that she was preoccupied, yet it didn't.

Christine's thoughts turned to Nadir. Her mind was putting everything together. And I couldn't get a hold of Nadir. If the battery in her walkie-talkie was still working, then that had to mean the battery in his was working, as well. Since he didn't answer, though, then Erik must have gone to see him. Christine gulped while remembering what had occurred earlier in the kitchen. He was jealous.. He thought I actually had feelings for Nadir. It made him really mad. His anger and jealousy were directed towards Nadir… So how will.. or how has he handled it?

Her heartbeat increased as images of Erik hurting Nadir in numerous ways entered her mind. Nadir's an innocent victim in all of this. He doesn't have a way to defend himself. Oh, God.. What have you done, Erik?

Erik's thoughts were taking too many different directions. One side of him wanted to do away with Nadir, who he was currently dragging through the mansion. He wanted him to feel regret for falling in love with Christine. Another side of him -the side that was beginning to feel guilty- was asking, 'What would Christine say?' She would undoubtedly be angry and disappointed. Yet another side of him –he supposed it was the caring side- was reminding him that Nadir was supposed to be his comrade and business partner.

But he couldn't overlook the fact that Nadir had tried to use a weapon against him. The fool had tried to injure him, or perhaps he had been planning to kill him.. Of course, it was a ridiculous way to go about doing it, but that wasn't the point. The point was that he now had good reason to make Nadir pay for his crimes. Oh yes, he will most certainly pay..

They finally reached the basement after having descended three flights of stairs, and Erik dragged Nadir down a dark hallway towards what looked to be a plain white wall with dark brown vertical stripes.

That wasn't all it was, though.

Once he was standing directly in front of the supposed wall, Erik released one of Nadir's arms from his grasp and reached out to press a particular part of the wall with one finger. Behind a layer of wallpaper, there was a button, and he pushed it carefully with a serious expression on his face. Then, suddenly, part of the wall pushed outward towards him.

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