Chapter 12- The Repayment

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Chapter 12- The Repayment

Christine felt like she was dying. She was coming to, but the pain of it made her want to return to that unfeeling state of oblivion. She couldn't take this right now... With that, she passed out again.

Erik drove trying to fully focus on the road, but his line of vision kept returning to the rear-view mirror in order to see his injured angel in the back seat.

If only there was not such filth on this earth.. If only everyone could be as she is.. So innocent, so happy..

If he had only parked closer, she wouldn't be in this state right now. But, if he hadn't been there at all, she could be in a far worse state. And he would have no idea of it.. The thought made tears come to his eyes.

However, am I a hypocrite? To wish that there wasn't filth walking the planet was to disregard his own self. In reality, he was the very filth he was referring to. He'd proven that many times throughout his life.

None of that was currently important, though. He shook his head roughly and looked in the rear-view mirror again to make sure she was still there. I am taking her to the only place she is truly safe. She needs attention and care, and I am more than willing to give her both.

The next time she awoke, Christine felt some sort of warm moistness on her forehead. It felt good.. Her lips curled upward peacefully.

She opened her eyes a little and noticed there was dim light coming from a lamp to her right. She was grateful for that because, strangely, she felt too much light might be painful. I wonder why?Then, opening her eyes more, questions came. Where am I? Was I only dreaming, or did something bad happen?

The first question needed to be addressed before anything else. No, this definitely wasn't her little apartment. The room she was in was about the size of the whole apartment, and it looked to only be a bedroom! She sat up slightly to look around, but the simple act made her head pound as the cloth that had been on her forehead fell off. The pain was excruciating! She couldn't help but moan.

Someone she wasn't expecting to see suddenly walked into the room.

"Good morning, Christine." It was Mr. Kahn.

"Mr. Kahn?" She found she had to lay back down and put the damp cloth back on her forehead due to the pain. "W- what's going on?" Unwanted tears came to her eyes. Why can't I remember coming here?

It seemed he noticed her distraught demeanor. "It's alright, Christine. You're safe. You are in the Delozier Designs mansion."

"Wha-.. But, why?"

"All questions can be answered soon." He walked towards the bed she was on. "You must be in immense pain. I've brought you some water and medicine for the headache I assume you have." He handed her both before saying, "Now, please relax." And then he left the room.

Christine could only lay in confusion for a moment, but the pain wouldn't leave her alone, so she removed the cloth and did her best to sit up before taking the medicine and drinking some water. She adjusted her pillows so that she could sit up more comfortably. Now, she thought, finally ready to figure this whole strange mess out.

The bedroom she was in begged to be looked at. It was huge, with a gorgeous chandelier hanging from the ceiling. She lay in a bed fit for a queen and was surrounded by shiny things. Gold, silver, glass... Yeah, she was afraid to move in fear of breaking something.

It was then that another person she wasn't expecting to see entered the room. "Dad," she announced in surprise. Christine wanted to get up to hug him, but her head wouldn't allow it.

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