Chapter 8: Apologies

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It was the next morning and Richie still felt very guilty and sad. He had to apologize to Eddie, but he didn't think the boy wanted to see him right now which little did he know he was completely wrong.

Eddie Byers was mopping around his house not talking not anyone because he felt bad even though he didn't do anything wrong.

Richie suddenly got a call from Mike. He quickly answered. "Hi." He said.

"Richie Tozier. Get your ass down here and stop Eddies mopping around the house."

"I would love to, but he probably doesn't want to see me. I mean obviously I want to see him, but I can't just barge into his house and plus I have to get passed dad who wakes up at the slightest noice." He heard a sigh over the phone.

"He's mopping around the house because he misses  you and not because he is mad at you dipshit."

"Ohhhhhh." Richie stated. "I'll be over soon then."

"Yeah." He heard Mike open a door. "Edward your boyfriend is coming over." He then heard Eddies voice that was full of sarcasm. "Yay i'm so excited."

"Sorry Eds." Richie stated.

"Don't call me that."

"Fine Eduardo. Bye." Richie hung up and quickly snuck out of the house and last his dad who was sleeping on their living room chair.

He got there within a minute or two and he fixed his hair before getting out his car and knocking on the Byers family door.

The door opened literally one second after he knocked and his brother appeared. "Hey Rich! He's in his room and good luck."

Richie just shrugged. "Thanks... I guess. Just don't get your hopes up that anything is going to happen."

"Something better happen. I didn't make popcorn for no reason!" Mike stated holding up the bag of popcorn he had just made.

"You are not eavesdropping. Johnathan keep him away from that door." Richie stated turning the young adult on the couch who just nodded and gave him a thumbs up.

Richie made his way down the hallway and to the door at the very end. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He heard Eddie groan and then let out a sigh. "Who is it!"

"Me." Richie stated. He could sense that Eddie had just rolled his eyes when he heard his voice. Eddie opened the door. His hair was messy and he had some dried tear stains on his face, but he still looked beautiful to Richie. "Hi."

"Hello. Would you like to come in and say the same unconvincing shit you said last night." Eddie sassed and when Richie was out of the doorway he just the door. They both sat on Eddies bed and the small one looked like he was waiting for Richie to say something.

"I'm sorry." Eddie just rolled his eyes and looked away. "Like really sorry. I messed up. I like you Eddie and I promise I really do. I'm just trying to protect you from not just me, but from something else that i'm not ready to tell. I don't want you getting hurt. I don't want to hurt you and i'm scared I will."

"You seem to be good at hurting me." Eddie muttered. Richie frowned and Eddie felt bad, he really did, but he also didn't want to get hurt. "Look, I really want to trust you, but you aren't making it easy. I can just picture you saying this to all the other girls you have cheated on and it just hurts because I like you so much. How am I supposed to know that you won't hurt me."

Richie realized how much it hurt Eddie to even say that. He could tell Eddies anxiety was acting up right now because his hand was shaking like crazy. He put his hand over Eddies to comfort him. "Your right Eddie. There is no way to know, but I can try."

Eddie seemed to perk up at that statement. "How about I give you two chances and if you mess up then we are over Rich and I mean it. There is going to be no debate or any convincing that we should get back together. That means no girls and I mean it Rich. If I hear you kissed one then thats a chance waisted. So what do you say?"

Richie smiled at Eddie. "I'd like that. Also if I do hurt you just know I didn't do it on purpose because I would never intentionally hurt you. It just happens, but I know that doesn't excuse my actions at all. I just don't want you to feel like you aren't a person to me like how Mike made Will feel. You explained that a little to well which I guess made me realize that's how I made you feel and that's why I freaked out. I realized I liked you and it just scared me because you are just so perfect and i'm just me... I mean growing up I was taught by my dad and step mom that being gay was wrong so I guess I felt disappointed in myself at that moment." Richie said and seconds letter tears ran down his cheeks.

Eddie pulled the boy into a comforting hug and Richie melted into the smaller ones arms. "It's okay Rich. I'm not mad so please don't think I am, love."


Mike and Will were hanging out in Will's room reading comics. Will had his head on Mikes shoulder as they read their favorite comic. There fingers were entangled and Mike was tracing circles on Wills hand with his thumb. Mike wanted to ask Will about what happened last night. "Hey Will. Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Of course Mike. You can ask me anything?" Will smiled lifting his head off Mikes shoulder and letting go of his hand. Mike frowned slightly, he wanted Will to keep his head on his shoulder and he wanted to hold his hand for forever. God, he really did like Will.

"What was last night?" Mike rushed out.

Will bit his lip nervously and scooted away from Mike, feeling embarrassed. What if Mike didn't feel the way he did at that moment. "Um... I think we were about to....."

"Kiss." Mike finished and Will nodded. There was an extremely awkward silence. "Um Will... Do you like girls? You don't have to lie, just be honest with me."

Will looked at his feet, embarrassed. He felt anxiety rushing through his veins. "I don't. I'm sorry. I know you probably don't want to be friends with a fag. I understand if you want to leave now."

Mike just smiled. "No no it's okay Will. I'm gay too. Can I tell you something?" Will just nodded, keeping his eyes on the floor. Mike leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "I like you."

Will snapped his head towards Mike with a shocked expression. "Wha- What?"

Will sat there in shock, not able to say anything else. Mike frowned and stood up. "I- I'm sorry. I'll go."

Will quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him back down. Mike gave him a confused expression. "I like you too."

Before Mike could say anything Will leaned forward and connected their lips into a short, but passionate kiss. When they pulled away they were both red and smiling.

This time it was Mikes turn. He leaned forward into a long and slow kiss. They both probably looked like idiots when they pulled away. "Holy shit- I've been waiting to do that since I saw you." Will sighed.

"Of course you have nerd. I mean who can't resist me ." Mike joked and Will laughed, placing his head back on Mikes shoulder.

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