Chapter 10: Eddies 18th birthday part 1

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A/N: Sorry😀

Tw: Homophobic slurs and blood

Today was Eddies 18th birthday. Richie had snuck out early that morning to help Joyce with Eddies surprise. When Eddie walked into the living room he was shocked to see Richie there. His family was sat next to him. "Oh hey. What are you doing here?"

"Getting ready to show you your surprise. We all chipped in some to get your this." Richie took Eddies hand and guided him towards the door. When Richie opened it Eddie saw a new car in the drive way.

"You didn't." Eddie gasped. He had his driver's license for 2 years, but he couldn't afford to by a car so he just didn't have one. "Holy shit-."

"Richie put in the most money." Joyce smiled. Eddie walked over to it and opened it to look at the inside.

"Thank you!" Eddie smiled at his boyfriend and pulled him into a quick kiss and hug.

"Do you like it?!" Richie smiled.

"I love it Rich! We do have to get to school though and I wanna drive this thing so let's go."

The three high schoolers hopped in the car and Eddie drove to school. The whole day went by smoothly. Eddie had gotten some happy birthdays and his daily insults. Richie seemed happier than usual that day. They were both getting ready to go to Chemistry. "Why are you so cheerful today Tozier?" Eddie smirked.

"Nothing. Just thinking about your beautiful face." Richie smiled.

Eddie cringed at his boyfriend. "It's just last time I felt like this you cheated."

"Oh yeah. I'm not messing up again don't worry." Richie reassured, but Eddie didn't quite believe him. The older one grabbed his pile of stuff he collected and walked to Chemistry.

Today, was perfect so far. What could go wrong? Well it turns out a lot could go wrong on your 18th birthday.


It was the football and the twins made the Byers come watch them play which took some convincing. Will pretty much just read the whole time and Eddie complained how dirty the bleachers were to Stan. Ben, Mike, Richie, and Stan were all on the team. They ended up winning.

When the game was over the coaches left and so did most of the audience. Most of the seniors still remained because they always hung out here after games. Eddie walked over to Richie to congratulate him. "Congrats love!" He exclaimed.

"Thanks Eduardo." Richie smiled draping his arm around Eddie waist.

"Well I have to pee. I'll be back in a second Richie. When Eddie left Henry and his goons came walking over.

"Well if it isn't girly boys faggot boyfriend." Henry smirked. Richie mumbled a, "your the one to talk" which pissed off Henry. "What the hell did you just say to me!!"

"That you are gay for Hocksteter and by the way i'm not a faggot." Mike stated.

"Prove it then! Prove you aren't a faggot and kiss Carol! Henry laughed. Richie felt sick. It was either this homophobic town knew about him or he lost Eddie, so he went with the less danger option.

"Fine." Richie stated. Stan gave him the deadliest glare Richie has ever seen. By now a crowd had formed to watch the drama unfold. Richie just wanted to get this over with so he kissed her. He kissed her a little more passionately then he should have. The bowers gang ran off to make it look like Richie kissed her purposely.

Eddie walked over cheerfully to the crowd, but when he stopped dead in his tracks with a pained expression on his face. "What..."

Richie snapped his head towards Eddie. "Eds-."


"Nothing." Richie stated. Stan punched him in the nose and he stumbled back the crowds erupted into ohhhs. "What was that for asshole?"


"He trusted you and you just betrayed his trust on his 18 birthday! What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing is wrong with me. I'm not a fag like you." Richie stated. Stan tried to punch.

"Yeah he's not dating Bill like you faggot. You deserve to die Uris." A random guy said. Everyone in the crowd besides there friends nodded in agreement. Stan gave Bill a sorry look. Bill looked betrayed.

"Y-you told them." Stan just looked at his feet. "F-fuck you Stanley..." Bill ran off and Stan walked to the back of the crowd.

Eddie stepped forward. "Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what? Being me. I mean come on Eddie, did you really think that I exactly ever liked you." He was expecting for Eddie to run off crying, but he instead slapped Richie across the face. "Okay Eddie. If that's where you wanna go thats what we can do."

He kicked Eddie in the stomach. The smaller one winced in pain, but didn't give up. He kicked Richie back which earned him a punch in the nose. Eddie punched Richie square in the face. He pushed Richie down, but Richie dragged him down with him. They just layed there throwing punches at each other.

Eddie got control and Richie just kind of gave up. Eddie practically beat the shit out of him in that moment. It's not like he wanted to, but he was mad and hurt.

Soon the cops showed up and Eddie accidentally assaulted a police officer when they tried to pull them apart. All their friends were forced to go to the police because they were the only ones that stayed when they heard the sirens. Richie, Eddie, and Stan were put in one car because they were the ones who fought. Will, Ben, and Mike were in the other. The last one had Beverly, Max, and Robin.

Will had reported to the Bowers gang down. They found Henry, Victor, Troy, James, Belch, and Patrick hiding behind a building watching the fight happen. They were separated into two different cars.

Will was clinging to Mike. He was scared for his brother. He knew he wasn't in trouble, but it was still scary.

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