Ⅰ : The Rise And The Fall

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How you loved the rain. how the sound of every single droplet crashing down on to the hard concreate floor and the lightning would roar from miles on end. who wouldn't like the rain? so calm and soothing that it would keep all the bad thoughts at bay, but tonight wouldn't be so calm and soothing. it felt more like a headache. no. scratch that-

.a migraine.

having to be the daughter of a noble family such as yourself was something to be proud of right? the way your name would slip out of your tongue would make others shiver and eye widen in surprise. Having so many high expectations, not a flaw or a care to the world, rich and powerful. that's what the (L/N) family was known for. you did everything by the book, went to the best academy in Piltover and did everything you can to not disappoint the family, but it didn't seem like anything you did mattered.

your parents were quiet disappointed you didnt graduate top of your class but second wasn't something to get giddy or rave about, though it would be nice to hear a "I'm so proud of you" from Mother or Father.

or anyone at this point...

things got only worse throughout the years. your parents talked you down about your arranged marriage that you've never wanted. you were to marry someone from another noble family, what's worse is that you have never met them yet! the nerve! no matter how much you fought your way out of it, they would always turn the other cheek and walk away.


Something sparked in that mind of yours, something you've never really thought of doing and couldn't even imagine doing. the gears in your head were cranking, the flesh under your soft skin boiled. that light in your eyes have turned dark, almost lifeless. those tears you have shed are no more. for the first time in your life you are taking control.

on your time alone where no one can disturb your peace, you had another 'plan' in the works. you snuck out of your home under the blanket of twilight in search for a vendor. this vendor was highly skilled in potions and other special items on the market where he opens service only at night to certain costumers. you on the other hand were special. special because you had money of course. the only way out of your situation was simple.


few nights have passed and your family invited your fiancé's family for dinner. everyone on the table were boasting about their achievements and spoke about the wedding planning that made your stomach twist and turn just hearing about it. all you could do is smile and look pretty, nod your head and pretend you are having a good time. you were always a perfect liar.

your father got up from his seat to raise a toast to the soon to be newly weds. the Noble families raised their glass up high and cheered, drinking their red wine. you held your glass high, bursting a laugh that couldn't be held in, though it wasn't just any laugh. it was almost sinister. everyone from the dining table was confused why you were laughing until your mother began to let out a cough, a cough that was getting worse by the second which followed by everyone else.

except you.

Mother's skin grew pale as she looked down at her hand at the sight of her own blood, tears forming on he corner of her eyes. looking back at the others who were suffering the same fate as her. Father struggled to speak but alas he sunk into his chair and couldn't control the horrid cough, letting out his final breath, leaving that metal taste linger on his tongue.

standing up from your seat, you walked towards your Mother to pour the wine out of your cup on her head before her forehead hit the table with a thud. resting the cup down, you casually walked out of the room passing by a few house servants that entered the dining room, letting out a scream of terror. that was your cue to run. run far from this place you now once called home. for the first time in your life. you felt free.

the reinforcements were called and rushed to the House of (L/N) to investigate the crime scene and a few were on patrol hunting you down like a dog. you fought a few maybe even killed your way out of the city, finding yourself in the pits of Zaun. you heard stories about this place but never really thought it looked so....different.

all the running got you breathless, your dress in ruins and your body in cuts and bruises that you didnt even notice. soon everyone in Piltover will know the news and would look at you as a criminal, how much would they want for your head? is anywhere safe anymore? that's all you could think of. this is your end. you leaned against the cold wall, panting desperately for air and feeling your eyes heavy as tears shed down your face.

foot steps could be heard approaching you that caused you to tense. you couldn't run any more you have exhausted your body far enough to keep going so you braced yourself, lifting your head up to look at the blurry figure approaching your feet. your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach, taking a big gulp before pressing your back against the wall.

"my my...look's like you've had quite the night" spoke the tall slender man

you felt his eyes pierce right through you. your mind was running with so many thoughts and outcomes might happen to you, you know what kind of people are down here! what did you expect what this guy will do!? it doesnt matter. nothing matters anymore. with the remaining of your strength, you've managed to stand up hissing at the pain on your side but your stumble caused you to fall on to the stranger's chest, catching your fall.

"look at yourself....you cant even hold yourself up" he scoffed under his breath, pushing you away, though you quickly clenched his arm before you could take the fall.

"but at least I have the strength to hold on" (Y/N) huffed, trying you best to not let go from your grasp. "please I beg of you....help me lay low for now, I'll do anything you want just help me!"

the grey man stayed silent and looked deep into your (E/C) eyes, obviously you weren't going to take no for a answer. you wouldn't stop until he did so. with a low sigh the man gently pulled you forward and ordered one of his henchmen to carry you in their strong arms. your body turned limp as soon as you were held, letting out one last growl of pain before you lost conscious.

"don't make me regret this...." the scarred man croaked, leading his gang deep into the foggy streets of Zaun. he might as well make use of her some way, what ever the cost might be for (Y/N)

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