Ⅳ : One of Us

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Ever since you joined Silco's posse, things have been quite rough on you in the beginning. Everyone nicknamed you topsider  from Piltover which wasn't all of a name call but it was in fact the truth, some even called the princess who fell from her throne. that one would probably be the worse one out of all the names they have been called. you try not to give it too much attention though, you had better things to focus on.

Sevika was ordered to train you in combat, she didn't like how she was the one having to deal with you but orders are orders. she always says its for your own good to toughen up the skin while you were down here. you had a gut feeling she took advantage of this opportunity to kick your ass for her own entertainment.

but the training was worth it in the end.

as the years go on you eventually were doing group missions for a while and in time going on solo missions. you'd come back home depending how dangerous or how long the mission was and it was always a surprise coming home to discover a new bruise or cut around your body.

You made your way to your boss's office, reporting your mission complete. Silco was actually proud of your work but knowing Silco he would never say it to your face. his reaction said it all with a simple nod or giving you another mission on top of that. As soon as you were on your way, he stopped you for a moment before meeting your eyes with his.

"I have a favor to ask of you Lady (Y/N)...." He said, waving his hand for you to signal you to return. "How steady are your hands?"

This certainly was something you didn't expect him to ask. It threw you off more than it should. Hesitating you find the words to answer his question, you gave a puzzled look as you walked over to the other side of the desk where he sat.

"They are steady as they can be" you shrugged

With that said your boss presented you with a golden medical instrument that contained a small dosage of Shimmer. resting it on your palms. did he need you to use this one someone? You took it upon yourself to examine it before looking back at the man.

"As you can tell my eye doesn't look like it's in it's best condition. The only thing to ease the pain is this...." He said, pointing a finger at the left side of his eye and down at the needle in your hands.

We'll this is going to be awkward. You slowly made your way and found a comfortable place to sit on his lap, inching your face a little close to his, resting a gentle hand on his cheek and lifting the needle above his eye. You glanced at him before pushing the button that shot out the shimmer.

Silco immediately winced from the sting, finding his hands gripping your waist before slowly letting his fingers melt away from you. A small gasp escaped from your lips, placing the needle down and jumping off of him. Waiting for him to recover from the injection, he glanced at you noticing your worried face which he found a little amusing.

"Thank you...." He murmured

He too noticed that you were in bad shape as well from the looks of the state you were in from the last mission. Silco opened a drawer to take out bandages, grabbing your arm to pull you closer to examine the open wound on your arm before bandaging it up

"Sir it's fine I can do it my sel-"

"Nonsense. Allow me"

You stayed silent. Not wanting to piss him off even more. this would have to be the first time he was being this nice to you which felt a little odd. He was being very careful but it was hard to not curse under your breath from the pain. When Silco finally finished patching you up, he turned back to the piles of paper work stacked one side of his desk.

"I think it's fair you deserve a day off...take the entire day off today Lady (Y/N).... I'm going to need you ready for tomorrow's mission.....no exceptions"

Finally a break. Can't remember the last time you had one. You nodded and took your leave, making your way to your room. As you walked you placed a hand on your waist where Silco squeezed you from being in so much pain. The thought of it made you cheeks flush rosy red.

Orders are orders. You plan on sleeping the rest of the day and not deal with anyone. After all, Silco did say you deserve it.

The Value of Family - (Silco x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now