Ⅶ : Headaches and Heartaches

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Years have seem to be going by like a breeze and the Shimmer business has been booming. you never understood the desperate need of this purple substance but you knew the ugly truth when you saw it with your own eyes. oh how it would make a person turn. it wasn't a pretty sight to see but you knew how powerful this stuff was.

your work has always been between you and Silco alone, raising Powder to be this now independent spunky teenager even though she insisted both of you to call her 'Jinx'. a peculiar name but both of you did not argue about it. it was something you had to get use to but eventually you find a liking to it. She always insisted in being involved with plans though your mother instincts always seem to butt in, luckily you always have Silco around to reassure you that she was ready to take on the world and both of you standing by her side.

you were in the office the whole afternoon, frustrated of not how much paper work you had in your hands but the shipment dates were going to be delayed for weeks maybe even a months. this wasn't suppose to happen but the reinforcement from Piltover are always trying to make a stop of it all. you wanted to succeed, not only for yourself but for your beloved partner who worked day and night for this. you were going to help him with all the power you had in you after all you did make a promise.

resting the pen down, you placed both hands on your forehead and closed your eyes for a moment to take a breather. Silco eventually opened the door and noticed you were already working, hearing the groans and hisses you made under your breath was a sign you were not in the best of moods.

approaching you by your side, he rest a gentle hand on your shoulder that made you jolt up.

"don't stress yourself so much my little dove, i am just as stressed as you are...." he said in a soothing voice.

"how can i not stress when we are going to be backed up in shipments my love?, I am trying to squeeze in dates and our consumers are demanding more Shimmer but we currently can't since the-""

your words were cut off when you felt his hand squish your soft rosy cheeks, turning towards his direction before smashing his lips on to yours. how can you resist such a man like him. you might as well take a break from work, you felt like all your worries disintegrated and your mind going blank for a brief moment. you found yourself wrapping your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss more but it was interrupted by hearing the door slam open. you wish you could have gone a little longer too.

"ewww seriously get a room you two!" the young teen scoffed, making her way towards the adults and jumping on to the desk where now the important documents were scattered, her soft loose strands of hair flooding the work area.

you heed no attention to the papers but a small crooked smile curled at the sight of Jinx. your arms slowly melted away from Silco's embrace, letting out a small chuckle. your daughter always had the habit in coming to the office with her hair down which means one thing: she would ask you and Silco to braid a separate strands of her hair.

"nice to see you too darling" (Y/N) sighed.

"Let me guess, you want us to braid your hair again....you know you are old enough to do it yourself Jinx" Silco insisted but knew you couldn't resist in not helping her.

"but you guys do it a lot better than me!...come on! i helped you beat up a bunch of guys earlier today! pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!"

cue the puppy eyes. Silco gave a blunt stair before glancing back at you though it looked like you fell in a trance when the blue haired teen made that face. he understood your weaknesses and it was obvious that Jinx was one of them. how can you not say no to her? the man rolled his eyes and began to separate her hair to prepare the braiding process, eventually you followed the process as well.

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