Anti-Ntr Justice: "The Story of a Childhood friend becoming father lover"

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Warning: "Very senstive . . . mkay"

Source Pic: "I found this on reddit that is "Netorare" and the topic of it was called: "The Story of a Childhood friend becoming Father Lover". yeah. i wanna go "HowtoBasic" mode now." 

The Artsit(Feel free to support the artist as well. . . also don't be mean to the artist who made this. it very rude, alright): "BlackGG" on Pixiv. and y'all can find that pic in his/her art/manga post. there also an english post but don't wanna go to there so yeah."

DeadSpaceMike: "Another Anti-Ntr Justice story . . . and this one is something i came across in reddit and now pixiv . . . this story is very basic and the same as usually as all Ntr stories would go as . . . expect this one has a happy ending to it. . . but yet again it involve both sisters in it . . . and one is still a slave to the dad(A-hole/loser . . . seriously) . . . another i gotta very annoyed by this story so here it is . . . . . Also this story is very alterinative and doesn't follow up the original source of the Artist work . . . as i don't wanna mess this artist work alot, even though there alot of ntr post . . . but who knows. anyways enjoys this Whack-O/Cringe/WTH story is anyway."

"This story will be heavily alterinative from the original material of the post/link . . . also it will be connect from the other stories which is: "NTR Justice: Kedamono-Tachi No Sumu Ie De Animation" so get used to reading this . . . . . stuff"

"Months later after my reunion with Koharu . . . . and also married too"

"Since many months has passed . . . and me married to three waifus: Mei, June and Koharu. living together at a very peaceful forest with a deployable mobile base that was provided from my superiors, but i made a nice looking home beside my homebase which was sitting near a lake and expanding out everything i needed in my life and spending time with my waifus and my bros. even the old men. the veterans, who are also a bunch of cool guy's. man of arms, even their wives too"

"Ever since that skirmish with those A-hole ... Genzou and Masura, even those other people who are apart of it. things in the suburban continent started to change up. numerous crimes of adultery or Ntr is starting to drop a little bit to halfway and the PACT system in place started to help people to change up in their lives as well as our people who all came over to this strange continent to start something interesting for once for our continent or our people"

"As i relax . . . in a special bar made by our human people, who can all take a big break from work or socialize with people just to know more about themselves and other alike, even getting into fights since they wanted to share pain along with others and being jack assess to one another as usually . . . though i was always concern about something when i was hanging out with the boi's in the bar and eating and drinking my usually as always"

"10:00 pm at the Suburban Continent at a human district population and a bar for MNA Army Personal"

Nick(To Me): "Who could've know we're the only ones hanging around this place . . . that btw. our people literally just built for us to hang out around here."

Me: "Pfft. Yeah. i figure about that since i invited you and hippy along with Nate and Blast since i would B**** about my day being all S****y and stuff. but hey, call it a day."

Hippy: "Well at least it's not the end of the world, Michael?"

Me: "Yeah, yeah called it. (Sip Pepsi) still getting this odd feeling when i'm not with my Waifu and all. (Felt hand and turn) and- (Look) Oh S***!? S-Sales?!" (Get Up)

 (Felt hand and turn) and- (Look) Oh S***!? S-Sales?!" (Get Up)

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