Anti-Ntr Justice: Toshoshitsu no Kanojo -Serizawa Yukiha Future

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"If you have not seen that Ntr Hanime of this story . . . you will be very confused of what's going on . . . in here. also i would blessed you since it the generic Ntr Bull-S. . . of the creepy guy blackmailing/drugging the innocent girl from her Childhood friend or Bf story . . . so yeah. . . time to let your rage build up . . . destroy that fool at once. . . so let's go"

DeadSpaceMike: "Story of this one has to be entirely different from the original . . . so bare with it. also the creator of the Ntr story is started milking this one so yeah . . ."

"The Story as always follow up with the one Koharu is saved . . . the Hong sister having a better life with the M.R/Me in the previous story . . . . . and now here we are"

"Since my crazy experience with one of my generals, General Sales of M.N.A. Navy . . . since he wanted he to take heavy responsible about the action i would take. since he kidnapped the Hong sisters: Sora & Soyeon. as well having Uncle, whats his name. Executed by Kane under his order in his ship, even showing the grotesque head of Uncle as well . . . ugh. but from all of that painful experience they have. . . both sister were treated, yet under heavy debt that i manage to pay off, so they can live with Me, Mei, June & Koharu at the new house i build by my design. . . and now everything is going well. as half of my people are living in this continent and gave these people who live in this strange continent new rules and a system that we follow. and improve upon society itself . . . and yet Ntr crime are still going . . . . . as of now, i was enjoying some bro time with my boi Tommy at a bar for Humans, even M.N.A. Army personal as well . . . just to get there mind off from work, society and problem they are facing . . . and yet, i was in a strange mood once i met my Boss at the bar while hanging out with Tommy . . . since it was gonna be a hardtime to cope with"

Tommy(To David): "Crap. . . David? what are you doing here, while i'm hanging out with Michael?"

David: (Look over me) "Well . . . for starter. i noticed you're growing a harem you have . . . and letting them living in that nice manner you got back in that nice forest with a nice lake to view from, even having a nice swim with it in the process, Right?"

Me: "Damn, right. (Sip Pepsi) I wanna give these girls a better life more, than those A-hole. who just gonna Fluff them to their pleasure for them to contend . . . and even being a evil, greedy *sshole in the process. (Drank Pepsi and crushed it) If you get what i'm saying. . . David?"

David: "O-Okay. . . you know i was been wondering . . . if you wanna join me for a little skirmish . . . if not a rescue for this reason that seem very strange . . . yet reasonable for you to accept. heck. . . giving you the options to kill the *sshole as well. if you want?"

Me: (Open Pepsi) "Wait? What!?"

Tommy: (The F Face)

David: "Okay . . . here the easy answer . . . and its very reasonable for this reason, right?"

Me & Tommy: (Stoic Face & Stare)

David: "Oh for God sake!? (Face palm) you semi-scrawny bastard! this Janitor! This *sshole! This Pedo, Rapist! of all thing! He drugged a innocent girl, who . . . btw . . . is so stupidly nice and kind to everyone . . . including that FREAK! the Janitor of the school . . . and went after that goddamn girl for that reason! You both understand more Dumb*ssess!?" (Look at us)

Me & Tommy: (Look at each other) "Oh(10 sec long). . . . . right." (David face palm)

David: "Okay, good. you bastard understand me? wanna hear about it?"

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