Chapter 12

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‘Hyung do you really have to cover my eyes...’ Jungkook whined because he accidentally tripped on a stone after his eyes were covered. ‘Plus you’re not guiding me properly…’ Jungkook complained.

‘Please bare for a minute or two… we’re almost there…’ Taehyung said and Jungkook smiled.

‘Tada…’ Taehyung said after removing the cloth from Jungkook’s eyes.

Jungkook blinked his eyes to adjust his eyes to the light. ‘Wow… hyung… you didn’t have to prepare dinner like this. But thank you… this is amazing...’ Jungkook squealed and ran to the table surrounded by the candles and sea breeze being felt by their skin.

‘Let’s eat before the food gets cold…’ Taehyung suggested and Jungkook nodded his head and immediately took his seat.

Taehyung and Jungkook had dinner while passing on small conversations… mostly Taehyung staring at Jungkook eating and looking so soft and cute.

‘Stop staring at me and eat hyung… you’re looking at me as if you’re going to eat me.’ Jungkook pouted.

‘Well I’m planning to eat you tonight...’ Taehyung teased and Jungkook choked on his food.

‘Hyung… stop saying those stuffs while I’m eating…’ Jungkook said still coughing violently and Taehyung immediately handed him a glass of water.

‘Thanks hyung… don’t say things like that at least while we’re eating…’ Jungkook said and Taehyung chuckled nodding his head.

‘After finishing dinner we’ll just walk around the beach…’ Taehyung said and Jungkook smiled cutely.

Once they were done with dinner the two stood up and hold hands and went for a walk mostly Jungkook talking about his past and Taehyung too…

‘Hyung… Who is your first love?’ Jungkook asked… now both of them are sitting on a blanket that Taehyung spread out and Taehyung was hugging Jungkook from behind.

‘It’s you…’ Taehyung said and pecked Jungkook’s cheek.

‘Don’t lie hyung… Yugyeom said you had your first love when you were in high school.’ Jungkook pouted.

‘I never lied… it’s really you…’ Taehyung said. Jungkook looked back to Taehyung and glared at him.

‘How dare you trying to fool me. Yugyeom told me you had your first love in high school and was never able to move on from him even after years passed.’ Jungkook said and Taehyung smiled.

‘I’m not lying to you koo… you’re my first love… to be honest I met you for the first time when I was in high school. You were just not aware of my existence back then…’ Taehyung said and Jungkook frowned.

‘You knew me...’ Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded his head.

‘Want to hear the story…’ Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded his head.

‘Well I went to the mall to do some shopping with Jimin on a weekend and to hang out with him… Jimin was on the washroom and I was just looking around…


Taehyung was looking around trying to find something that interest him and he saw a gorgeous boy looking over a camera while pouting… Taehyung seemed interested so he went to the shop to look at the boy.

‘Sir… how much is this camera?’ the gorgeous boy a.k.a Jungkook asked.

‘This is about $2000 sir. Are you interested in buying this?’ Salesperson asked and Jungkook pouted because of the price.

‘Please excuse me...’ Jungkook said to that person and fished out his phone.

‘Papa… where are you?’ Jungkook asked through the phone and Taehyung could only hear Jungkook’s conversation.

‘Papa… my camera broke… can’t you buy me a new one…’ Jungkook asked carefully and slowly and suddenly flinched.

‘Papa… I’m sorry… but…’ Jungkook couldn’t continue and continued listening to the other line with a sad pout.

‘Fine… I’m sorry papa…’ Jungkook apologised and hanged up the phone… Jungkook looked at the camera one last time and walked away.

Taehyung was about to follow the younger but at the same time Jimin came in front of him and Taehyung almost cursed him.

Flashback end…

‘Ah… so you saw me for the first time when I was trying to buy a camera...’ Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded his head.

‘Actually papa and dada gift me a camera for my birthday. I only used it once, a week after I got the camera Soobin borrowed it for a school project with his friends and broke it. He is clumsy just like dada. I didn’t tell papa that Soobin broke the camera because he will start raising hell and none of us like to experience that so I kept quiet and took the blame.’ Jungkook said.

‘So did you buy a camera?’ Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded his head.

‘Yes… I secretly started doing part time jobs just to buy the camera. But later on dada and papa found out but they were actually happy that I worked for my need and eventually bought a camera to present for my hard work.’ Jungkook said giggling and Taehyung too joined.

‘I thought you were not that rich that’s why you were working.’ Taehyung said and Jungkook raised an eyebrow confused to Taehyung’s statement.

‘I mean I accidentally saw you working on café Euphoria and I started going to that café daily and you suddenly stopped working after 3 months.’ Taehyung said and Jungkook raked his brain trying to remember Taehyung and gasped.

‘Are you perhaps the boy with specks and went to Hanbyul high school…’ Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded his head.

‘So you remember me?’ Taehyung asked and Jungkook blushed.

‘Well you could say I used to have a small crush on you…’ Jungkook said.


Hey lovely readers....

I'm so stressed out these days because of work and family problems... I have no one to speak about them to so I just wanted to pour my stress in here... I can't tell whats the problem but I hope everything will turn out fine but highly doubt it given the situation...

I have lost motivation and will to live bt what keeps me going is bts... I thank bts for being there. They bring momentarily peace during the chaotic period. Hope they will enjoy their holiday...

Anyway hope you all will enjoy the story and this chap kinda sucks because I'm running out of ideas to write.

Have a nice day everyone...

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