chapter 10

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edward's pov

another day of school, another day of misery.

i had honestly thought that things would have gotten better by now, but if anything, they have gotten much, much worse.

on top of eli bullying me even more, i swear my brothers show less sympathy towards me every day. you would not believe how much i have gotten beat up this week alone simply because i "looked ugly." brothers, am i right?

anyway, my grades have been exceptional, as always, so that's a plus. i'm kinda nervous though because our PSAT scores are being released today. i always do great, so i should do fine this year too.

i was interrupted by my thoughts as i felt a cold hand clasped around the back of my neck and squeezed. before i knew it, i was getting dragged to the closest bathroom. just. my. luck.

"h-h-hey e-eli... w-what's up..." i let out a fake laugh.

"why the HELL did i get a 'd' on this assignment, nerd?" eli yelled.

"just getting right to the point, i guess," thought eli.

"i-i-i-i... i-i-i did-didn't do th-that a-a-assi-assignment for y-you, maybe s-someone e-else."

"we'll im still mad as shit, and guess what!? you're the lucky one i'm gonna take it out on!"

great. just my luck.

the next thing i knew, eli had lunged at me and i was slammed into the wall. i groaned as i slid down the wall. punches after punches kept raining on my face and body. i felt blood tricking down my neck, but he prevailed to stop.

i could barely even move anymore. my body laid limp against the wall as the punches continued to come.

"ok, get up dork!" he demanded.

i stayed still. i didn't have enough energy to get up at this point. my body ached too much and i already felt the bruises forming.

"i said get up!" uh oh. he came back over to me and forced me to stand up. except, he did so by pulling me up by my underwear.

"ughhh!!!" i groaned as he lifted me up and i was dangling in the air by his one hand.

he continued to bounce me up and down while simultaneously crushing my balls. i let out gasps every time he bounced me.

"HAHAHAH the stupid tighty whities never get old hahaha!" he remarked

god, his laugh is so ugly.

"c-can we be d-d-done soon?" i asked. i really didn't want to spend the rest of my day in the bathroom with him.

"we'll sure, nerd! let's get you cleaned up."

uh oh. i knew what that meant. the dried blood on my face did need to be cleaned on my face... but preferably in a different way.

he carried me over to the second stall and kicked open the door as the back of my underwear was still in his fists.

he rotated my body so that my head was straight down and my feet were in the air.

he dunked me about 10 times before he got bored which was pretty good.

"alright get on your knees."

i obliged. after a few years, you just learn to obey.

"good nerd," an evil smile spread across his face that sent a shiver down my spine.

he dunked my head in again, but this time he pulled on my underwear at the same time. this surprised me and made me choke on the water.

i came up spitting up water and choking. i heard his laugh appear behind me. he did this a few more times before he finally got bored.

"alright nerd, i'm gonna go find the bitch that actually gave me this bad grade. but first, come here," i inched closer. "come on! don't be afraid of your best bud," i glared at him. he pushed my shoulders, turning me so that my back was facing him. i was so defeated at this point, i had no chance even trying to run away.

my underwear shot up my back and i let out a scream. he continued to tug and tug until it finally reached the top of my head.

"a-a-alright just h-hook it on my f-f-forehead a-and get it o-over with!"

"oh no, edward," he smiled and i cringed. he knows i hate when he uses my name. "we're going allll the way."

he continued to pull until the top of his head, and let me tell you, he's like a lot taller than me. he stretched it over my head and it easily hooked on my chin.

"alright ed, time for me to go, but not you," he picked me up and hooked me onto the hook on the door. "you stay here, and don't let that unhook from your chin, or else."

just great.


oh amazing, the final bell and i'm still stuck here. god, what are my brothers gonna say...

"ugh, you're such a good nerd, you know that?" eli chucked and i rolled my eyes under my underwear.

he punched me a few times in the stomach before finally letting me down. i groaned as i fixed my situation and he laughed.

"alright, you better run because i'm gonna come chase you down. if i catch you, it won't be fun. for you at least,"

at that moment i bolted out of the bathroom because i knew he wasn't kidding.

i ran all the way to the car where i saw my brothers standing.

"finally, dipshit, we've been waiting forever." eric said as he rolled his eyes

"i-it's been l-like five m-m-minutes," i retorted. 

"what'd you say to me!"

"n-n-nothing i-i swear!"

"yeah, that's what i fucking thought."

i sat in silence the rest of the way home while the other two talked about some football stuff or something.

when we got home, i went straight up to my room and locked it. i didn't want to have to deal with my brothers after the hell of a day i had already. i dozed off pretty early, after doing my homework, of course.

eric pov

i knocked on edward's door, but he didn't answer.

ugh! i just need to let me anger out on something right now. i know that's wrong... but that's what cole always did to me, so i figure it's kinda normal.

i have the perfect idea.

ed doesn't know this, but i have a spare key to unlock the door to his room. i quickly grab it from my hiding spot and open the door.

i can be pretty sneaky. you learn after going to party's at night even with cole in the house.

i walk over to his desk and find him asleep in books and homework.

i snicker. he's a nerd even when he sleeps.

i refocus myself and quickly grab his phone. my face kits up by his screen and i unlock it since i always look over his shoulder when he unlocks his phone.

i go through his contacts until i find his name. there it is. i smile. i click on the name and look at the information. i copy the phone number and create a contact of my own.

i set his phone back on his desk and go to my room.

i can't help but feel a wave of happiness rush over me.

im going to text eli and work with him the make ed's life a living hell.

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